Saturday, March 3, 2012

Da Ynet: Israele aiuterà i rifugiati siriani

FM: Israel willing to help Syrian refugees

Avigdor Lieberman says Israel willing to provide Syrian refugees with humanitarian aid immediately; stresses Jerusalem has no interest in intervening in Damascus' affairs
News agencies
Published: 03.03.12, 13:35 / Israel News

"Israel willing to provide Syrian refugees with humanitarian aid immediately," Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said.

An official Foreign Ministry statement released Friday, while Lieberman is on a state visit in Bulgaria, added that Israel was willing to relay the aid via one of the United Nations' agencies, or through any other international organization.

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Israel is interested solely in relieving the humanitarian crisis in Syria and has no interest in intervening in the country's internal affairs, the statement said.

Liberman told Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev, with whom he met in Sofia on Friday, that "it is impossible for the international community to resign itself to the daily killing of innocent people in Syria."

The Red Cross has been denied access to various parts of Syria, including Homs, where Syrian President Bashar Assad's troops are said to be "massacring men, women and children indiscriminately."

The UN's Humanitarian Commission says over 7,500 people have been killed in the near-year long uprising against Assad.

AP contributed to this report

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