Thursday, March 1, 2012

Forze Internazionali si mobilitano contro Gerusalemme Ebraica

International Forces Mobilize Against Jewish Jerusalem
When you hear that an International Conference In Defense of Jerusalem has convened in an Arab capital with attendees being Abbas, The Arab League, and other enemies of Israel you know that the end product of this "event" will be a lynching of Israel.
But even with all the above knowledge there were some surprises. The United Nation's Secretary General sent an official representative to legitimize the proceeding beyond the Arab World. Then we were treated to the "moderate" Arab King of Morocco presenting an indictment of the State of Israel: The bias against Israel is summarized by him with these words:
"Israel has been systematically violating Palestinian rights in the occupied territories and carrying out plans to undermine the cultural, archaeological and religious features of the city of Al-Quds - particularly the holy Al-Aqsa Mosque - in blatant violation of international legitimacy resolutions and the provisions of international law, which view East Jerusalem as an integral part of the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967. "
Not be outdone by anyone in attendance, President Abbas (who just concluded a power sharing arrangement with Hamas) once again denied Jewish rights to the Old City of Jerusalem. Abbas also accused Israel of planning to destroy a mosque. Read Prime Minister Netanyahu's response here.
Why is Israel alone in refuting these libelous charges? Why the silence from the United States, the United Kingdom, The Catholic Church, France, etc.?
It is up to us to refute the lies and tell the truth.
Have your friends and family sign the One Jerusalem petition to keep Jerusalem under the State of Israel. It is the only way to insure that the Holy City remains accessible to all people.

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