Document: Taliban Leader Mullah Omar's Directive To Taliban Commanders Ordered Crackdown Against Shi'ite Muslims And Destruction Of Un-Islamic Cultural Heritage
A copy of the Farman issued by Mullah Omar
A Farman (directive) to the Taliban commanders issued by Mullah Mohammad Omar, the then head of the Taliban government in Afghanistan, shows that he ordered crackdown against all communists and Shi'ite Muslims.
The Pashtu-language secret document was seized from the Afghan Interior Ministry building in Kabul in 2001 when the Mullah Omar-led Taliban fled Afghanistan following the U.S. invasion. Afghan websites recently published the document with a translation by one Ishaq Mohammadi.
Afghan media interpreted the Farman's command to destroy the un-Islamic cultural heritage of Afghanistan as a reference to ordering the destruction of the Buddhas of Bamiyan. The exact date of the document is not given.
Following is the text of the document:
"Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Movement of Taliban
"Kandahar Province (Secret Service Cell)
"Secret Order
"1. Ruthless army steps by Taliban against opponent enemy groups.
"2. Recovery of arms and collection of Islamic Taxes.
"3. Demolition of Mughul's (Hazaras) historic cultural heritage and remains [such as Bamiyan's Buddhas].
"4. Ban on celebrating Jashn-e-Nouroz (a cultural festival/New Year)
"5. Complete economic embargo of Hazarajat [areas inhabited by Shi'ite Hazaras].
"6. Strict army measures to disown Hazara tribes from their lands and properties forcibly.
"7. Disintegration of Hazarajat gradually.
"8. Elimination and arrest of communist elements.
"9. Rooting out of all mysterious and opponent forces.
"10. Anti-Shi'ite propaganda campaign.
"11. Assistance for Islamic Madrasas (religious schools) and religious groups.
"12. Strict control and watch on women (out of their homes).
"13. Complete recovery of Taxes from opium production.
"14. Care for transportations and oil.
"15. Assistance of Akhund Zadas (Taliban) and religious Mullahs.
"16. Assistance and care for pro-Taliban Shi'ite Mullahs and commander.
"Attention for Kajiki, Kishki Nakhud, Kalat, Shah Joi, Maruf, Helmand (Name of Provinces and Districts).
"May be informed very quick."
Sources:, Afghanistan, March 3, 2012;, Afghanistan, March 2, 2012. The text of the document has been lightly edited for clarity.
This is a blog pro-Israel because I am pro Israel, but every news is admitted if not offensive. I will principally publish news which substain the cause of Israel where I wish to end my life... Eretz Israel!!!
Monday, March 26, 2012
26.03.2012 Tunisia, un imam istiga la folla ad ammazzare gli ebrei c'è ancora qualcuno disposto a credere alla fandonia dell'islam democratico e tollerante?
26.03.2012 Tunisia, un imam istiga la folla ad ammazzare gli ebrei
c'è ancora qualcuno disposto a credere alla fandonia dell'islam democratico e tollerante?
Testata: ANSA
Data: 26 marzo 2012
Pagina: 1
Autore: Redazione di Ansa
Titolo: «Tunisia, sceicco salafita, prepariamoci a uccidere ebrei a Tunisi durante manifestazione a sostegno della sharia»
Pubblichiamo il lancio ANSA dal titolo " Tunisia, sceicco salafita, prepariamoci a uccidere ebrei a Tunisi durante manifestazione a sostegno della sharia ".
Primavera araba? Ecco a che cosa ha portato, il passaggio della Tunisia da dittatura laica a dittatura islamista. Dalla padella alla brace. Un imam che arringa la folla aizzandola contro gli ebrei tunisini e incitandola ad assassinarli tutti.
Islam e democrazia, un binomio impossibile.
Ecco il pezzo:
(ANSA) - TUNISI, 25 MAR - La manifestazione dei salafiti nel cuore di Tunisi a sostegno della sharia e durante la quale ci sono stati scontri innescati dagli integralisti islamici, ha avuto anche una forte connotazione anti-ebraica. Uno «sceicco» del movimento integralista, che indossava la veste lunga e bianca della tradizione tunisina, salito su un palco improvvisato in piazza 14 Gennaio, ha arringato la folla a «prepararsi per uccidere gli ebrei». Alle incitazioni dello sceicco, la folla ha risposto affermativamente a gran voce. In Tunisia, da secoli, vive una comunità ebraica rispettata e che non ha mai avuto problemi con i musulmani.
Per inviare la propria opinione all'Ansa, cliccare sull'e-mail sottostante
c'è ancora qualcuno disposto a credere alla fandonia dell'islam democratico e tollerante?
Testata: ANSA
Data: 26 marzo 2012
Pagina: 1
Autore: Redazione di Ansa
Titolo: «Tunisia, sceicco salafita, prepariamoci a uccidere ebrei a Tunisi durante manifestazione a sostegno della sharia»
Pubblichiamo il lancio ANSA dal titolo " Tunisia, sceicco salafita, prepariamoci a uccidere ebrei a Tunisi durante manifestazione a sostegno della sharia ".
Primavera araba? Ecco a che cosa ha portato, il passaggio della Tunisia da dittatura laica a dittatura islamista. Dalla padella alla brace. Un imam che arringa la folla aizzandola contro gli ebrei tunisini e incitandola ad assassinarli tutti.
Islam e democrazia, un binomio impossibile.
Ecco il pezzo:
(ANSA) - TUNISI, 25 MAR - La manifestazione dei salafiti nel cuore di Tunisi a sostegno della sharia e durante la quale ci sono stati scontri innescati dagli integralisti islamici, ha avuto anche una forte connotazione anti-ebraica. Uno «sceicco» del movimento integralista, che indossava la veste lunga e bianca della tradizione tunisina, salito su un palco improvvisato in piazza 14 Gennaio, ha arringato la folla a «prepararsi per uccidere gli ebrei». Alle incitazioni dello sceicco, la folla ha risposto affermativamente a gran voce. In Tunisia, da secoli, vive una comunità ebraica rispettata e che non ha mai avuto problemi con i musulmani.
Per inviare la propria opinione all'Ansa, cliccare sull'e-mail sottostante
Saudi Arabia Removes Some Antisemitic Content from New Edition of School Textbooks
MEMRI's report "Saudi Textbook: The Enmity between the Muslims and the Jews Is Everlasting"[1] examined the antisemitic content found in the 2006-2007 edition of the twelfth-grade Saudi textbook titled 'Studies from the Muslim World.' In this edition, the chapter dealing with the Palestinian cause contains a subchapter titled "The Jews" that, drawing on verses quoted from the Koran, depicts the Jews as prophet-killers, liars, cheats, connivers, conspirators, and covenant breakers. MEMRI's latest investigation found that in the book's most recent edition (2009-2010), this subchapter was omitted in its entirety, along with another subchapter dealing with the nature of the conflict between the Muslims and Jews.[2]
It should be noted, however, that notwithstanding these omissions, the chapter on Palestine in the new edition retains several antisemitic remarks, including claims that the Jews are cunning and aspire to perpetrate deceit and fraud, that the essence of the conflict between the Muslims and Jews is religious rather than national, and that the only way to liberate Palestine is through jihad.
The Portions Removed from New Edition of Textbook
The following are the portions that appeared in the 2006-2007 edition of Studies from the Muslim World but which were stricken from the 2009-2010 edition:
"Whoever studies the nature of the conflict between the Muslims and the Jews understands an important fact, [namely that] this is a religious conflict, not a dispute about politics or nationality, or a conflict between races or tribes, or a fight over land or country, as some describe it. This is a deeply rooted enmity, a conflict between truth and falsehood, between monotheism and polytheism, between heresy and faith...
"The enmity between us and the Jews will not cease under any circumstances until one of two things [happens]: either they join our religion and become Muslims, or we abandon our religion, God forbid. [Allah], may He be exalted, said [in the Koran]: 'They [the Jews] will not cease fighting with you until they turn you back from your religion, if they can' [Koran 2:217]; 'And the Jews will not be pleased with you, nor the Christians, until you follow their religion' [Koran 2:120].
"They are jealous of the fact that the Seal of the Prophets [i.e., Muhammad] came from among the Arabs and not from among the Children of Israel, and [because] they know well that our master, Muhammad, Allah's prayer be upon him, was the Prophet of Allah... [As it says in the Koran:] 'Those whom We have given the Book recognize him as they recognize their sons, and a party of them most surely conceal the truth while they know (it)' [Koran 2:146]. Once we realize the essence of this conflict, and that this enmity cannot cease, we understand how much those who say the conflict can be settled are misleading [us].
"Our conflict with the Jews clearly began following the hijra of our master, Muhammad, Allah's prayer be upon him, to Medina. It was then that the plots and schemes against the first Muslims began. [These Muslims waged] prolonged jihad against [the Jews], who were expelled from Medina in stages. The Banu Qaynuqa' [tribe] was the first to be expelled, following the incident of the Muslim woman.[3] Afterward, the members of the Banu Al-Nadir tribe were expelled, having tried to assassinate the Prophet, Allah's prayer be upon him, and then, the Banu Qurayza [tribe], who breached their covenant with the Muslims and joined the camps [of Muhammad's Meccan enemies] in the Battle of the Trench [in 627 CE].
"Throughout Islamic history, the Jews have striven to destroy the [Islamic] religion and spread fitna among the Muslims. All know about the fitna caused by the Jew 'Abdallah bin Saba during the time of 'Othman bin 'Affan, may Allah be pleased with him.[4]
"In modern times, Jewish influence has cut deeply into several Western countries, and [the Jews] have taken control of their economies and media. These countries were exploited for the Jews' benefit, and the two sides [i.e., the Jews and the West joined forces and] combined their interests in order to wipe out Islam. After Sultan 'Abd Al-Hamid, Allah's mercy be upon him, stood up to the Jews and rejected their tempting offers in exchange for Palestine, the Crusaders and Jews decided to destroy the Ottoman Islamic Caliphate so that Palestine would be handed to the Jews, and so that the imperialist countries could divide the Islamic world among themselves.
"[After] the Jews strayed from the correct religion brought [to them] by Moussa [Moses], peace be upon him, they did not take root in any land, nor did they legally own any land. They wandered in [various] regions, for wandering from place to place and being divided is in their nature. The Jews lived as oppressed minorities throughout the world, and caused corruption in every land they entered. In every country where they settled, they were a source of trouble and fitna. They build up their confidence by frightening others, which is why the peoples hated them and why they came to be known for their deceit and cunning.
"The noble Koran is the best source to acquaint us with the [Jews'] personality and psychological makeup. The expressions 'Jews' and 'Children of Israel' appear more than 63 times in the book of Allah, may He be exalted. They were the nation charged with ruling the earth, but Allah took their [role of] leadership away from them due to their corruption and destructiveness, and because they killed the prophets. The following are a few brief descriptions of some of their traits, as they appear in the noble Koran:
"1. Attacking the very essence of Allah, may He be exalted: No one will be spared their mischief, even the very essence of Allah [himself], may He be exalted. [Allah], the mighty and exalted, said: 'And the Jews say: The hand of Allah is tied up! Their hands shall be shackled and they shall be cursed for what they say' [Koran 5:64]... 'Allah has certainly heard the saying of those who said: Surely Allah is poor and we are rich [Koran 3:181].
"2. [Spreading] corruption in the land: They are the people of corruption and destruction. They cast doubt on da'wa [calling to Islam], and spread rumors regarding the wives of the Prophet, Allah's prayer be upon him, and spread evil among the Muslims. [Allah,] may He be exalted, said: 'Their effort is for corruption in the land, and Allah does not love the corrupters' [Koran 5:64].
"3. Killing prophets: [Allah,] may He be exalted, said: 'They went on rejecting the signs of Allah and slaying His prophets without just cause. This is because they rebelled and went on transgressing' [Koran 2:61].
"4. Lying, spreading rumors and distorting [truths]: They are the people of lies, which are [all] they listen to, and they are the masters of falsifying and distorting the truth. Not even the prophecy of Allah escapes their distortion, and their Torah proves it. [Allah], may He be exalted, said: 'The Jews (are) men who will listen to any lie and listen even to others who have never so much as come to you. They change the words from their (right) times and places' [Koran 5:41].
"5. Deception and misleading: [Allah,] may He be exalted, said of them: 'They say: There is no call on us (to keep faith) with these ignorant (pagans)' [Koran 3:75].
"6. Rushing to [commit] sin: [Allah,] may He be exalted, said: 'And you will see many of them racing one another to [commit] sin and exceed the limits' [Koran 5:62].
"7. Inciting to wars and fitna: [Allah,] may He be exalted, said: 'Whenever they kindle a fire for war, Allah puts it out' [Koran 5:64].
"8. Breaching covenants and agreements: They are the nation best known for this characteristic. [Allah,] may He be exalted, said: 'Because of their breach of their covenant, We cursed them' [Koran 5:13]. They breached their covenants with the prophets, [including] the Prophet Muhammad, Allah's prayer be upon him, more than once, most famously when they breached their covenant with the Muslims and joined the polytheists on the day the [latter's forces] invaded [Medina].[5]
"9. Racist tendencies and scorn for the other: They think they are God's Chosen People. [Allah,] may He be exalted, said: 'And the Jews and the Christians say: We are the sons of Allah and His beloved ones' [Koran 5:18].
"10. Lust for life – any sort of life, even if it is despicable. [Allah,] may He be exalted, said: 'And you will most certainly find them the greediest of men for life' [Koran 2:96].
"11. Love of forbidden money: They hoard money by any means [possible]. [Allah,] may He be exalted, said of them: '(They are fond of) listening to falsehood, of devouring anything forbidden' [Koran 5:42].
"12. Cheating: This is manifest in the story of their fishing for a big fish on the Sabbath, when they are forbidden to work. They cheated when they set the net before the Sabbath with the intent of bringing it in after [the Sabbath]. [Allah,] may He be exalted, said: 'And ask them about the town which stood by the sea; when they exceeded the limits of the Sabbath, when their fish came to them on the day of their Sabbath, appearing on the surface of the water, and on the day on which they did not keep the Sabbath, they did not come to them; thus did We try them because they transgressed' [Koran 7:163].
"13. Argumentativeness: The loathsome manner of their argumentativeness is manifest in the story of the cow and their violation and trickery in the matter of [the cow's] ritual slaughter. [Allah,] may He be exalted, said: 'And when Moussa said to his people: Surely Allah commands you that you should sacrifice a cow; they said: Do you ridicule us? He said: I seek the protection of Allah from being one of the ignorant. They said: Call on your Lord...' [Koran 67-68. See also verses 69-71].
"14. Their great hatred for the Muslims: [Allah,] may He be exalted, said: 'Certainly you will find the most violent of people in enmity for those who believe (to be) the Jews' [Koran 5:82].
"15. Cowardice: In their hearts there is fear and anxiety, especially of the Muslims. [Allah,] may He be exalted, said: 'They will not fight against you in a body save in fortified towns or from behind walls' [Koran 59:14].
"16. Envy: [Allah,] may He be exalted, said of them: 'Many of the followers of the Book wish that they could turn you back into unbelievers after your faith, out of envy from themselves' [Koran 2:109].
"17. Obstinacy: Regarding this, Allah, may He be exalted, said: 'They said: We hear, and we disobey' [Koran 2:93]."[6]
The Portions Retained in New Edition of Textbook
The following portions were retained in the new edition:
A section discussing the reasons for the Arabs' defeats in their wars with the Jews, appearing on page 117, reads: "[One reason is] Islam's estrangement from the domain of [religious] struggle with the Jews, and the appearance of false calls and slogans such as Arab nationalism and socialism. [Another reason is that] many in the ummah disregard the [true] essence of our conflict with the Jews, which is a purely religious struggle, with the Jews drawing their principles from their distorted books. Allah, may He be exalted and glorified, commanded us to pin our hopes on Him. [Allah,] may He be exalted, said: 'And hold fast by the covenant of Allah all together and be not disunited' [Koran 3:103]."
Another section of the textbook, dealing with peace with the Jews, found on page 119, reads: "Zionism does not aspire to win over the friendship of others, for it does not want them to join it. Therefore, the Jews' relations with the nations among which they live have been characterized by tension and instability, which caused the peoples to support one another against [the Jews], to molest them, to deal them bitter blows, and to expel them.
"Since the Jews have been in the Diaspora, they have not known peace with any nation because they have [always] striven to [perpetrate] fraud, deceit, and cunning. There is no better proof of this than the Muslims' experience with them in Medina – [which caused] the Prophet to expel them and order to banish them from the Arabian Peninsula – and what happened to them in countries such as Germany, Poland, Spain, and elsewhere.
"Throughout their history, the Jews have never attributed any importance to peace... believing it impossible to establish peace with other nations. They even believe that the nations around them must live in perpetual strife that will undermine their stability, so that they will be unable to fight [the Jews]. This may explain the Jews' aspirations to spread destruction and corruption by various means, even in countries with which they claim to have what they call 'peace agreements.'"
A section enumerating a Muslim's obligations, found on page 125, includes the following: "To overcome the spiritual defeatism that has harmed many of us. We are, as described by God, may He be praised and glorified, the greatest nation to have risen among mankind, and the Jews, as they are described by the noble Koran, are the most cowardly and life-lusting people, as has already been proven by the conflicts with the Jews throughout history.
"Jihad for the sake of Allah is the only path to liberating Palestine. Only through jihad did the Muslims conquer Jerusalem, and only through jihad did the Crusaders leave Palestine. Likewise, only through jihad will the Jews leave Palestine.
"The only point of departure in our handling of the issue of Palestine [should be] absolute faith in Islam and in the fact that all rulings related to this issue must be derived from [Islam]."
[1] Special Dispatch No.4345, "Saudi Textbook: The Enmity between the Muslims and the Jews Is Everlasting," December 8, 2011,
[2] The second subchapter that was omitted, titled "The Truth about the Conflict between the Muslims and the Jews," claimed that the Arab-Israeli conflict was part of a broader religious conflict originating in the days of the Prophet Muhammad.
[3] According to Muslim tradition, the conflict between the Muslims of Medina and the Jewish tribe of Banu Qaynuqa' began after a Muslim woman visited the shop of a Jewish jeweler in the market, who demanded that she take off her veil. When she refused, he fastened her cloak with a pin in such a way that, when she got up, she was stripped naked. A Muslim killed the jeweler in retaliation, starting a chain of revenge killings between the sides.
[4] According to some accounts, 'Abdallah bin Saba was a Jewish convert to Islam who became a disciple of the fourth Caliph, 'Ali bin Abu Talib, whom he considered to be divine, and therefore incited against the third Caliph, 'Othman bin 'Affan, bringing about his murder.
[5] According to Muslim tradition, the members of the Kuraish tribe, who were enemies of the Prophet Muhammad in Mecca, convinced the Jews to cooperate with them and to attack on Muhammad in the battle of Al-Khandaq in 627 AD.
[6] This is based on the biblical verse "We will do, and we will obey" (Exodus 24:7).
It should be noted, however, that notwithstanding these omissions, the chapter on Palestine in the new edition retains several antisemitic remarks, including claims that the Jews are cunning and aspire to perpetrate deceit and fraud, that the essence of the conflict between the Muslims and Jews is religious rather than national, and that the only way to liberate Palestine is through jihad.
The Portions Removed from New Edition of Textbook
The following are the portions that appeared in the 2006-2007 edition of Studies from the Muslim World but which were stricken from the 2009-2010 edition:
"Whoever studies the nature of the conflict between the Muslims and the Jews understands an important fact, [namely that] this is a religious conflict, not a dispute about politics or nationality, or a conflict between races or tribes, or a fight over land or country, as some describe it. This is a deeply rooted enmity, a conflict between truth and falsehood, between monotheism and polytheism, between heresy and faith...
"The enmity between us and the Jews will not cease under any circumstances until one of two things [happens]: either they join our religion and become Muslims, or we abandon our religion, God forbid. [Allah], may He be exalted, said [in the Koran]: 'They [the Jews] will not cease fighting with you until they turn you back from your religion, if they can' [Koran 2:217]; 'And the Jews will not be pleased with you, nor the Christians, until you follow their religion' [Koran 2:120].
"They are jealous of the fact that the Seal of the Prophets [i.e., Muhammad] came from among the Arabs and not from among the Children of Israel, and [because] they know well that our master, Muhammad, Allah's prayer be upon him, was the Prophet of Allah... [As it says in the Koran:] 'Those whom We have given the Book recognize him as they recognize their sons, and a party of them most surely conceal the truth while they know (it)' [Koran 2:146]. Once we realize the essence of this conflict, and that this enmity cannot cease, we understand how much those who say the conflict can be settled are misleading [us].
"Our conflict with the Jews clearly began following the hijra of our master, Muhammad, Allah's prayer be upon him, to Medina. It was then that the plots and schemes against the first Muslims began. [These Muslims waged] prolonged jihad against [the Jews], who were expelled from Medina in stages. The Banu Qaynuqa' [tribe] was the first to be expelled, following the incident of the Muslim woman.[3] Afterward, the members of the Banu Al-Nadir tribe were expelled, having tried to assassinate the Prophet, Allah's prayer be upon him, and then, the Banu Qurayza [tribe], who breached their covenant with the Muslims and joined the camps [of Muhammad's Meccan enemies] in the Battle of the Trench [in 627 CE].
"Throughout Islamic history, the Jews have striven to destroy the [Islamic] religion and spread fitna among the Muslims. All know about the fitna caused by the Jew 'Abdallah bin Saba during the time of 'Othman bin 'Affan, may Allah be pleased with him.[4]
"In modern times, Jewish influence has cut deeply into several Western countries, and [the Jews] have taken control of their economies and media. These countries were exploited for the Jews' benefit, and the two sides [i.e., the Jews and the West joined forces and] combined their interests in order to wipe out Islam. After Sultan 'Abd Al-Hamid, Allah's mercy be upon him, stood up to the Jews and rejected their tempting offers in exchange for Palestine, the Crusaders and Jews decided to destroy the Ottoman Islamic Caliphate so that Palestine would be handed to the Jews, and so that the imperialist countries could divide the Islamic world among themselves.
"[After] the Jews strayed from the correct religion brought [to them] by Moussa [Moses], peace be upon him, they did not take root in any land, nor did they legally own any land. They wandered in [various] regions, for wandering from place to place and being divided is in their nature. The Jews lived as oppressed minorities throughout the world, and caused corruption in every land they entered. In every country where they settled, they were a source of trouble and fitna. They build up their confidence by frightening others, which is why the peoples hated them and why they came to be known for their deceit and cunning.
"The noble Koran is the best source to acquaint us with the [Jews'] personality and psychological makeup. The expressions 'Jews' and 'Children of Israel' appear more than 63 times in the book of Allah, may He be exalted. They were the nation charged with ruling the earth, but Allah took their [role of] leadership away from them due to their corruption and destructiveness, and because they killed the prophets. The following are a few brief descriptions of some of their traits, as they appear in the noble Koran:
"1. Attacking the very essence of Allah, may He be exalted: No one will be spared their mischief, even the very essence of Allah [himself], may He be exalted. [Allah], the mighty and exalted, said: 'And the Jews say: The hand of Allah is tied up! Their hands shall be shackled and they shall be cursed for what they say' [Koran 5:64]... 'Allah has certainly heard the saying of those who said: Surely Allah is poor and we are rich [Koran 3:181].
"2. [Spreading] corruption in the land: They are the people of corruption and destruction. They cast doubt on da'wa [calling to Islam], and spread rumors regarding the wives of the Prophet, Allah's prayer be upon him, and spread evil among the Muslims. [Allah,] may He be exalted, said: 'Their effort is for corruption in the land, and Allah does not love the corrupters' [Koran 5:64].
"3. Killing prophets: [Allah,] may He be exalted, said: 'They went on rejecting the signs of Allah and slaying His prophets without just cause. This is because they rebelled and went on transgressing' [Koran 2:61].
"4. Lying, spreading rumors and distorting [truths]: They are the people of lies, which are [all] they listen to, and they are the masters of falsifying and distorting the truth. Not even the prophecy of Allah escapes their distortion, and their Torah proves it. [Allah], may He be exalted, said: 'The Jews (are) men who will listen to any lie and listen even to others who have never so much as come to you. They change the words from their (right) times and places' [Koran 5:41].
"5. Deception and misleading: [Allah,] may He be exalted, said of them: 'They say: There is no call on us (to keep faith) with these ignorant (pagans)' [Koran 3:75].
"6. Rushing to [commit] sin: [Allah,] may He be exalted, said: 'And you will see many of them racing one another to [commit] sin and exceed the limits' [Koran 5:62].
"7. Inciting to wars and fitna: [Allah,] may He be exalted, said: 'Whenever they kindle a fire for war, Allah puts it out' [Koran 5:64].
"8. Breaching covenants and agreements: They are the nation best known for this characteristic. [Allah,] may He be exalted, said: 'Because of their breach of their covenant, We cursed them' [Koran 5:13]. They breached their covenants with the prophets, [including] the Prophet Muhammad, Allah's prayer be upon him, more than once, most famously when they breached their covenant with the Muslims and joined the polytheists on the day the [latter's forces] invaded [Medina].[5]
"9. Racist tendencies and scorn for the other: They think they are God's Chosen People. [Allah,] may He be exalted, said: 'And the Jews and the Christians say: We are the sons of Allah and His beloved ones' [Koran 5:18].
"10. Lust for life – any sort of life, even if it is despicable. [Allah,] may He be exalted, said: 'And you will most certainly find them the greediest of men for life' [Koran 2:96].
"11. Love of forbidden money: They hoard money by any means [possible]. [Allah,] may He be exalted, said of them: '(They are fond of) listening to falsehood, of devouring anything forbidden' [Koran 5:42].
"12. Cheating: This is manifest in the story of their fishing for a big fish on the Sabbath, when they are forbidden to work. They cheated when they set the net before the Sabbath with the intent of bringing it in after [the Sabbath]. [Allah,] may He be exalted, said: 'And ask them about the town which stood by the sea; when they exceeded the limits of the Sabbath, when their fish came to them on the day of their Sabbath, appearing on the surface of the water, and on the day on which they did not keep the Sabbath, they did not come to them; thus did We try them because they transgressed' [Koran 7:163].
"13. Argumentativeness: The loathsome manner of their argumentativeness is manifest in the story of the cow and their violation and trickery in the matter of [the cow's] ritual slaughter. [Allah,] may He be exalted, said: 'And when Moussa said to his people: Surely Allah commands you that you should sacrifice a cow; they said: Do you ridicule us? He said: I seek the protection of Allah from being one of the ignorant. They said: Call on your Lord...' [Koran 67-68. See also verses 69-71].
"14. Their great hatred for the Muslims: [Allah,] may He be exalted, said: 'Certainly you will find the most violent of people in enmity for those who believe (to be) the Jews' [Koran 5:82].
"15. Cowardice: In their hearts there is fear and anxiety, especially of the Muslims. [Allah,] may He be exalted, said: 'They will not fight against you in a body save in fortified towns or from behind walls' [Koran 59:14].
"16. Envy: [Allah,] may He be exalted, said of them: 'Many of the followers of the Book wish that they could turn you back into unbelievers after your faith, out of envy from themselves' [Koran 2:109].
"17. Obstinacy: Regarding this, Allah, may He be exalted, said: 'They said: We hear, and we disobey' [Koran 2:93]."[6]
The Portions Retained in New Edition of Textbook
The following portions were retained in the new edition:
A section discussing the reasons for the Arabs' defeats in their wars with the Jews, appearing on page 117, reads: "[One reason is] Islam's estrangement from the domain of [religious] struggle with the Jews, and the appearance of false calls and slogans such as Arab nationalism and socialism. [Another reason is that] many in the ummah disregard the [true] essence of our conflict with the Jews, which is a purely religious struggle, with the Jews drawing their principles from their distorted books. Allah, may He be exalted and glorified, commanded us to pin our hopes on Him. [Allah,] may He be exalted, said: 'And hold fast by the covenant of Allah all together and be not disunited' [Koran 3:103]."
Another section of the textbook, dealing with peace with the Jews, found on page 119, reads: "Zionism does not aspire to win over the friendship of others, for it does not want them to join it. Therefore, the Jews' relations with the nations among which they live have been characterized by tension and instability, which caused the peoples to support one another against [the Jews], to molest them, to deal them bitter blows, and to expel them.
"Since the Jews have been in the Diaspora, they have not known peace with any nation because they have [always] striven to [perpetrate] fraud, deceit, and cunning. There is no better proof of this than the Muslims' experience with them in Medina – [which caused] the Prophet to expel them and order to banish them from the Arabian Peninsula – and what happened to them in countries such as Germany, Poland, Spain, and elsewhere.
"Throughout their history, the Jews have never attributed any importance to peace... believing it impossible to establish peace with other nations. They even believe that the nations around them must live in perpetual strife that will undermine their stability, so that they will be unable to fight [the Jews]. This may explain the Jews' aspirations to spread destruction and corruption by various means, even in countries with which they claim to have what they call 'peace agreements.'"
A section enumerating a Muslim's obligations, found on page 125, includes the following: "To overcome the spiritual defeatism that has harmed many of us. We are, as described by God, may He be praised and glorified, the greatest nation to have risen among mankind, and the Jews, as they are described by the noble Koran, are the most cowardly and life-lusting people, as has already been proven by the conflicts with the Jews throughout history.
"Jihad for the sake of Allah is the only path to liberating Palestine. Only through jihad did the Muslims conquer Jerusalem, and only through jihad did the Crusaders leave Palestine. Likewise, only through jihad will the Jews leave Palestine.
"The only point of departure in our handling of the issue of Palestine [should be] absolute faith in Islam and in the fact that all rulings related to this issue must be derived from [Islam]."
[1] Special Dispatch No.4345, "Saudi Textbook: The Enmity between the Muslims and the Jews Is Everlasting," December 8, 2011,
[2] The second subchapter that was omitted, titled "The Truth about the Conflict between the Muslims and the Jews," claimed that the Arab-Israeli conflict was part of a broader religious conflict originating in the days of the Prophet Muhammad.
[3] According to Muslim tradition, the conflict between the Muslims of Medina and the Jewish tribe of Banu Qaynuqa' began after a Muslim woman visited the shop of a Jewish jeweler in the market, who demanded that she take off her veil. When she refused, he fastened her cloak with a pin in such a way that, when she got up, she was stripped naked. A Muslim killed the jeweler in retaliation, starting a chain of revenge killings between the sides.
[4] According to some accounts, 'Abdallah bin Saba was a Jewish convert to Islam who became a disciple of the fourth Caliph, 'Ali bin Abu Talib, whom he considered to be divine, and therefore incited against the third Caliph, 'Othman bin 'Affan, bringing about his murder.
[5] According to Muslim tradition, the members of the Kuraish tribe, who were enemies of the Prophet Muhammad in Mecca, convinced the Jews to cooperate with them and to attack on Muhammad in the battle of Al-Khandaq in 627 AD.
[6] This is based on the biblical verse "We will do, and we will obey" (Exodus 24:7).
Jewish Situation in France 'Unbearable' by Hezki Ezra & Gil Ronen
ewish Situation in France 'Unbearable'
by Hezki Ezra & Gil Ronen
Liora Zachary, an immigrant from France, attended the news conference called Sunday by the editor of a French-Israeli publication and spoke out against the rampant anti-Israeli incitement in France. She described a situation that sounds somewhat like descriptions of pre-Holocaust Europe.
"Jews are being attacked all the time," she said.
"Children, in the buses, in the Metro, going to school, coming from school, couples in the street – this is just an unbearable situation. And we are talking about France, we are not talking about some kind of jungle. This is one of the main countries of Europe."
Not unlike the Jews of Europe before the Holocaust, Zachary sounded surprised that the Jews could be treated in this way. "The Jews of France have always been very active in the French community, in the French market," she said. "They have contributed tremendously to France. And I don't think this is the kind of treatment they should receive."
by Hezki Ezra & Gil Ronen
Liora Zachary, an immigrant from France, attended the news conference called Sunday by the editor of a French-Israeli publication and spoke out against the rampant anti-Israeli incitement in France. She described a situation that sounds somewhat like descriptions of pre-Holocaust Europe.
"Jews are being attacked all the time," she said.
"Children, in the buses, in the Metro, going to school, coming from school, couples in the street – this is just an unbearable situation. And we are talking about France, we are not talking about some kind of jungle. This is one of the main countries of Europe."
Not unlike the Jews of Europe before the Holocaust, Zachary sounded surprised that the Jews could be treated in this way. "The Jews of France have always been very active in the French community, in the French market," she said. "They have contributed tremendously to France. And I don't think this is the kind of treatment they should receive."
Police, IDF Preparing for Migron Expulsion by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
Police, IDF Preparing for Migron Expulsion
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
Police and back-up IDF troops are preparing for the largest expulsion of Jews since Gush Katif, destroyed almost exactly seven years ago, immediately after the Ninth of Av, the day of mourning for the destruction of the First and Second Temples.
The training will be totally superfluous if the government reaches a new agreement with residents of Migron, in Samaria, following the High Court decision Sunday that rejected a compromise to expel dozens of families from the community in three years, that is, after new homes can be built on nearby state land.
A senior officer in the Central Command warned two months ago that planning for the expulsion will cause a deterioration of security on several fronts, although the soldiers would serve as back-up reserves in an expulsion while the police take the front lines.
First of all, the training will take soldiers away from combat operations, particularly near Gaza and on the Egyptian and Lebanese borders. The emphasis on Gush Katif expulsion training was widely blamed for the IDF's lack of preparedness in the Second Lebanon War.
Secondly, the destruction of another Jewish community will diminish the strength of Jewish presence in Samaria in Area C, the area that is controlled by Israel and contains all the Jewish communities in the region. This may encourage the Palestinian Authority, backed by Peace Now, to become the de facto authority in areas where Jews live, although only 4% of Palestinian Arabs live in Area C.
The IDF officer also warned that another expulsion could find the IDF having to deal with severe “price tag” operations against Arabs in protest of the court orders and government policy, unless the Netanyahu administration decides to back a new bill that would pave the way for Migron to remain in its present location.
Synopsis of Migron story:
Migron was built with government help on land whose ownership is unclear, except for the fact that it is not state land. Peace Now launched a lawsuit before the Supreme Court aimed at destroying the community. Since only Magistrate's Courts adjudicate land ownership in Israel, the question of who owned the land was not decided in the Supreme Court, although it seems that some of it was given by King Hussein to Jordanians who never laid claim to it. Jordan was an occupying power in Judea and Samaria from 1949-1967.
The compromise, worked out by MK Benny Begin (Likud) with much difficulty, would have had the residents move to a small, nearby area that is uncontested state land, and have the present Migron houses used by the government for other purposes.
A compromise moving them to a large, new suburb to be built near the existing community of Adam on state land was worked out by the Judea and Samaria Council two years ago, but the residents rejected it, still hoping to save the existing community.
In both compromises, the residents were to remain in Migron until the alternate houses were built. The compromise was agreed to by both government and residents in order to avoid both the violence that accompanied the destruction of the houses at Amona in 2006 and the bitter split in the nation that occurred due to the expulsion from the Katif Bloc in 2005.
The courts, however, made saving Migron in its present location an impossibility and may now have made the new compromise unachievable.
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
Police and back-up IDF troops are preparing for the largest expulsion of Jews since Gush Katif, destroyed almost exactly seven years ago, immediately after the Ninth of Av, the day of mourning for the destruction of the First and Second Temples.
The training will be totally superfluous if the government reaches a new agreement with residents of Migron, in Samaria, following the High Court decision Sunday that rejected a compromise to expel dozens of families from the community in three years, that is, after new homes can be built on nearby state land.
A senior officer in the Central Command warned two months ago that planning for the expulsion will cause a deterioration of security on several fronts, although the soldiers would serve as back-up reserves in an expulsion while the police take the front lines.
First of all, the training will take soldiers away from combat operations, particularly near Gaza and on the Egyptian and Lebanese borders. The emphasis on Gush Katif expulsion training was widely blamed for the IDF's lack of preparedness in the Second Lebanon War.
Secondly, the destruction of another Jewish community will diminish the strength of Jewish presence in Samaria in Area C, the area that is controlled by Israel and contains all the Jewish communities in the region. This may encourage the Palestinian Authority, backed by Peace Now, to become the de facto authority in areas where Jews live, although only 4% of Palestinian Arabs live in Area C.
The IDF officer also warned that another expulsion could find the IDF having to deal with severe “price tag” operations against Arabs in protest of the court orders and government policy, unless the Netanyahu administration decides to back a new bill that would pave the way for Migron to remain in its present location.
Synopsis of Migron story:
Migron was built with government help on land whose ownership is unclear, except for the fact that it is not state land. Peace Now launched a lawsuit before the Supreme Court aimed at destroying the community. Since only Magistrate's Courts adjudicate land ownership in Israel, the question of who owned the land was not decided in the Supreme Court, although it seems that some of it was given by King Hussein to Jordanians who never laid claim to it. Jordan was an occupying power in Judea and Samaria from 1949-1967.
The compromise, worked out by MK Benny Begin (Likud) with much difficulty, would have had the residents move to a small, nearby area that is uncontested state land, and have the present Migron houses used by the government for other purposes.
A compromise moving them to a large, new suburb to be built near the existing community of Adam on state land was worked out by the Judea and Samaria Council two years ago, but the residents rejected it, still hoping to save the existing community.
In both compromises, the residents were to remain in Migron until the alternate houses were built. The compromise was agreed to by both government and residents in order to avoid both the violence that accompanied the destruction of the houses at Amona in 2006 and the bitter split in the nation that occurred due to the expulsion from the Katif Bloc in 2005.
The courts, however, made saving Migron in its present location an impossibility and may now have made the new compromise unachievable.
Pollard’s ‘Handler’ Says Obama Likely to Free Him
Pollard’s ‘Handler’ Says Obama Likely to Free Him
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
Former Mossad officer Rafi Eitan said Monday “there is a good probability” President Barack Obama will pardon Jonathan Pollard before the presidential elections in November and free him from prison by the end of the year.
Eitan was Pollard’s “handler” before the American Pentagon worker was arrested for passing on classified information on Israel’s behalf. The offense, which is not in the classification of “spying,” generally carries a 2-4 year sentence in prison, but a federal United States court handed down a life sentence.
President Obama, like those before him, have refused to grant Pollard clemency, despite his deteriorating health.
“There is a change in the air among senior American officials,” Cabinet Minister Yuli Edelstein said Monday.
Several unconfirmed rumors have circulated the past several months that President Obama will try to score points with Jewish voters and free Pollard, who has been incarcerated for more than 27 years.
More than 20,000 academics, artists and intellectuals recently have signed a petition calling on President Shimon Peres to refuse a scheduled “Freedom Medallion” award from President Obama later this year unless Pollard is released.
The petition said: “As citizens of the State of Israel, we congratulate you on President Obama’s decision to grant you the American Freedom Medallion, which symbolizes justice and freedom. Nevertheless, because of the very same values represented by the medallion, we cannot agree with your receiving the medallion at the same time the United States holds Yonatan Pollard in jail for more than 27 years when senior American leaders already have admitted that the life term in prison is immoral and unjust."
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
Former Mossad officer Rafi Eitan said Monday “there is a good probability” President Barack Obama will pardon Jonathan Pollard before the presidential elections in November and free him from prison by the end of the year.
Eitan was Pollard’s “handler” before the American Pentagon worker was arrested for passing on classified information on Israel’s behalf. The offense, which is not in the classification of “spying,” generally carries a 2-4 year sentence in prison, but a federal United States court handed down a life sentence.
President Obama, like those before him, have refused to grant Pollard clemency, despite his deteriorating health.
“There is a change in the air among senior American officials,” Cabinet Minister Yuli Edelstein said Monday.
Several unconfirmed rumors have circulated the past several months that President Obama will try to score points with Jewish voters and free Pollard, who has been incarcerated for more than 27 years.
More than 20,000 academics, artists and intellectuals recently have signed a petition calling on President Shimon Peres to refuse a scheduled “Freedom Medallion” award from President Obama later this year unless Pollard is released.
The petition said: “As citizens of the State of Israel, we congratulate you on President Obama’s decision to grant you the American Freedom Medallion, which symbolizes justice and freedom. Nevertheless, because of the very same values represented by the medallion, we cannot agree with your receiving the medallion at the same time the United States holds Yonatan Pollard in jail for more than 27 years when senior American leaders already have admitted that the life term in prison is immoral and unjust."
Israel Decides to Sever Ties with UNHRC
Israel Decides to Sever Ties with UNHRC
by Gil Ronen
A senior diplomatic source said Monday that the Foreign Ministry management has decided to sever its ties with the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC). The decision was reached after the UNHRC decided to appoint a committee of inquiry to look into construction of Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria.
The source said that the decision stems from a series of unilateral moves that the "Palestinians" are trying to lead against Israel.
According to Monday's decision, Israel's UN Ambassador, Ron Prosor, will not appear before the Council and will not reply to requests by the UNHRC for materials and for the coordination of visits in Israel.
The source added that while thousands are being murdered in Syria and a massacre takes place in France, the UNHRC lends equal importance to construction in Judea and Samaria.
Regarding the High Court decision on Migron, the senior source said that the verdict must be honored. "Everyone accepts the High Court's decision," he said. "The test is in the alternatives that the government offers the residents."
The source said that Yisrael Beitenu's threat to leave the government over Migron referred to a situation in which the government decides to carry out a forcible eviction. At present, he said, there is no threat to leave the government because of the High Court decision.
by Gil Ronen
A senior diplomatic source said Monday that the Foreign Ministry management has decided to sever its ties with the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC). The decision was reached after the UNHRC decided to appoint a committee of inquiry to look into construction of Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria.
The source said that the decision stems from a series of unilateral moves that the "Palestinians" are trying to lead against Israel.
According to Monday's decision, Israel's UN Ambassador, Ron Prosor, will not appear before the Council and will not reply to requests by the UNHRC for materials and for the coordination of visits in Israel.
The source added that while thousands are being murdered in Syria and a massacre takes place in France, the UNHRC lends equal importance to construction in Judea and Samaria.
Regarding the High Court decision on Migron, the senior source said that the verdict must be honored. "Everyone accepts the High Court's decision," he said. "The test is in the alternatives that the government offers the residents."
The source said that Yisrael Beitenu's threat to leave the government over Migron referred to a situation in which the government decides to carry out a forcible eviction. At present, he said, there is no threat to leave the government because of the High Court decision.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Peres: Rabin's two state solution accepted by right, left
Peres: Rabin's two state solution accepted by right, left
03/25/2012 19:14
President Shimon Peres said Sunday that the two state solution has evolved over time into a basic tenet of Israeli policy both "for right-leaning and left-leaning governments," according to Army Radio.
At a ceremony honoring former heads of state, Peres credited former prime minister Yitzhak Rabin with increasing support for the two state solution until it became conventional wisdom
03/25/2012 19:14
President Shimon Peres said Sunday that the two state solution has evolved over time into a basic tenet of Israeli policy both "for right-leaning and left-leaning governments," according to Army Radio.
At a ceremony honoring former heads of state, Peres credited former prime minister Yitzhak Rabin with increasing support for the two state solution until it became conventional wisdom
Nel calderone del razzismo
25.03.2012 Nel calderone del razzismo
Commento di Ugo Volli
Testata: Informazione Corretta
Data: 25 marzo 2012
Pagina: 1
Autore: Ugo Volli
Titolo: «Nel calderone del razzismo»
Da MOKED, riprendiamo l'analisi di Ugo Volli, che titoliamo " Nel calderone del razzismo".
Ugo Volli
Quando accade un atto di violenza contro gli ebrei, un evento terribile come a Tolosa o solo una minaccia o un'espressione d'odio, la condanna viene di solito espressa in termini di rifiuto del razzismo. Suona meglio dire che un gesto è razzista piuttosto che antisemita, l'infrazione al comune senso dell'umanità appare più vasto e generale, la difesa da esso meno particolaristica. E però bisogna capire che cosa si perde nell'immergere l'odio per gli ebrei nel calderone del razzismo. E' necessario riflettere di più su questo termine e su ciò che il suo uso implica. E' importante capire che seppure il razzismo è inevitabilmente antisemita, l'odio per gli ebrei non sia necessariamente razzista. Non solo perché la parola “razza” è relativamente recente, non si diffonde in Europa prima del sedicesimo secolo (mentre “razzismo” è un vocabolo solo ottocentesco). Ma perché il concetto è estremamente limitativo.
Il razzismo è una bizzarra teoria ottocentesca, che pretendeva una inesistente base scientifica, per cui gli esseri umani andrebbero divisi in gruppi chiusi, appunto le “razze” con caratteristiche psicofisiche essenziali ben differenziate, naturalmente alcune superiori e altre inferiori. La scienza ha mostrato da tempo che queste “essenze” non esistono, che tutti i gruppi umani sono non solo ovviamente interfertili (che è il criterio biologico per la differenziazione di specie), ma di fatto sempre largamente mescolati e che la variabilità genetica interna a ciascun gruppo umano è sempre assai più vasta dalla differenza statistica fra gruppi.
I tratti più visibili, come il colore della pelle ecc. non sono segni rivelatori di un'essenza razziale ma adattamenti a certe condizioni fisiche dei luoghi come l'illuminazione solare, che emergono rapidamente per adattamento evolutivo in qualunque popolazione sia sottoposta a quelle condizioni. Essere razzisti è oggi come credere che la terra sia piatta: pura ignoranza.
C'è bisogno di attribuire questo errore intellettuale all'assassino di Tolosa per capire i suoi atti? Si può affermare che abbia ammazzato dei bambini, consapevolmente e deliberatamente, perché pensava che fossero di razza inferiore? Basterebbe essere consapevoli che siamo tutti esseri umani, contraddire l'aberrazione ideologica nazista, per eliminare questo tipo di crimini orrendi?
Anche se in alcuni casi si sono estesi al “sangue”, cioè alla discendenza ebraica, le persecuzioni cristiane e islamiche contro gli ebrei non erano razziste: chi si convertiva in genere aveva salva la vita. L'obiettivo era la religione, certamente, nel senso che il discrimine per cristiani e islamici era una dichiarazione di fede; ma allo stesso tempo veniva colpita la specificità culturale e nazionale dell'ebraismo: anche se nel corso della storia molti ebrei si sono convertiti per convinzione, per interesse o più spesso per salvarsi la vita, non vi sono ebrei cristiani o ebrei musulmani, come vi sono per esempio Bosniaci cristiani e musulmani.
Nell'ebraismo il carattere nazionale e quello religioso coincidono largamente.
L'odio per gli ebrei (uso questa locuzione invece dell'antisemitismo che è anch'essa parola ottocentesca) è dunque odio di una religione e di un popolo allo stesso tempo: come si possono odiare induisti e musulmani in Kashmir, e anche come vi è stato odio fra polacchi e russi o fra francesi e tedeschi. L'odio contro gli ebrei è però molto più largamente diffuso, molto più permanente e soprattutto esso è eliminativo.
I più nazionalisti dei serbi non potevano pensare di distruggere i musulmani kossovari fino all'ultimo uomo, gli sciiti iracheni non possono voler cancellare dalla faccia della terra i sunniti o viceversa – per il semplice fatto che non è possibile. Sono odi feroci e violenti, ma non eliminativi. Quello per gli ebrei lo è: Hitler parlava di “soluzione finale”, molti autori nella Chiesa credono che ci sia bisogno della conversione di tutti gli ebrei per la parusia, il ritorno finale; nel mondo islamico circolano detti attribuiti al Profeta sull'eliminazione degli ultimi ebrei nascosti dietro sassi e alberi.
La ragione di queste caratteristiche non è facile da comprendere, ma certamente ha a che fare con il fatto che gli ebrei sono stati per millenni dispersi in piccoli gruppi in mezzo a popolazioni differenti: estreme minoranze che hanno rifiutato di assimilarsi. Cristianesimo, Islam, laicismo volterriano, marxismo, nazismo hanno avuto il progetto comune di eliminare questa anomalia, con la distruzione culturale o con quella fisica, a seconda dei luoghi, dei momenti o delle tendenze dei movimenti. I progetti di soluzione finale del problema ebraico attraverso la conversione più o meno forzata (secondo la promessa cristiana o musulmana), o l'assimilazione (come volevano Marx e gli illuministi), l'espulsione (buona parte degli stati europei fra medioevo e prima modernità) o lo sterminio (i nazisti) sono certamente assai diversi sul piano delle conseguenze personali e anche dell'intenzione etica; ma dal punto di vista storico-culturale il risultato non è troppo diverso: tutte queste strade portano a una società senza ebrei. Il razzismo non c'entra, la Chiesa e l'Islam si vogliono universali, ammettono tutti i popoli, purché convertiti. Fanno eccezione solo per Israele.
Il primo sionismo si illuse che la costruzione di uno stato degli ebrei e quindi la fine dello stato di minoranza dispersa avrebbe annullato l'odio. Di fatto quest'odio è solo cambiato, si è esteso dai singoli individui allo stato. Nel passato l'odio per gli ebrei prendeva ridicoli pretesti religiosi (“il popolo deicida”, o che “aveva rifiutato Maometto”), o assumeva calunnie più gravi e ancor più infondate (gli omicidi rituali, gli avvelenamenti dei pozzi), si basava sul carattere “capitalista” degli ebrei (per secoli in Europa costretti a fare i prestatori di denaro dalla proibizione di altri lavori) o sul loro rapporto col socialismo, o infine sulla menzogna della razza.
Oggi sarebbe Israele a “opprimere” i palestinesi, a uccidere bambini, strappare organi ai defunti, a non volere la pace, a “colonizzare” a “giudeizzare Gerusalemme” eccetera.
Sono tutte menzogne, ma la loro falsità non impedisce agli assassini di ucciderci e alle organizzazioni internazionali di discriminare Israele in maniera sistematica.
Definendo quest'odio “razzista” gli togliamo la sua terribile specificità storica, lo annacquiamo in un calderone di antipatie e localismi. Coloro che hanno detto che l'assassino di Tolosa non ce l'aveva con gli ebrei ma con la Francia, probabilmente l'hanno fatto a fin di bene, per cercare protezione in una legalità generale. Chi, pur di origine ebraica, ha insinuato che si facesse scandalo per gli ebrei ma non lo si sarebbe fatto per i Rom, invece l'ha fatto con la malvagità di chi si è unito agli odiatori del proprio popolo.
Resta il fatto che entrambe questa posizioni sono sbagliate. Magari l'assassino di Tolosa odiava anche la Francia di cui era cittadino. Ma il suo odio per gli ebrei non derivava da quello par la Francia, né era spiegabile con le sue condizioni sociali, né era razzista: era l'ultimo anello di una catena millenaria, ed era stato alimentato da specifici e infaticabili maestri d'odio, antisemiti consapevoli, impegnati a distruggerci fino all'ultimo uomo.
Questo dobbiamo sapere senza farci illusioni. E senza rifugiarci dietro le consolanti etichette del razzismo e del nazismo, pretesti momentanei e perituri di un odio molto più profondo e antico.
Commento di Ugo Volli
Testata: Informazione Corretta
Data: 25 marzo 2012
Pagina: 1
Autore: Ugo Volli
Titolo: «Nel calderone del razzismo»
Da MOKED, riprendiamo l'analisi di Ugo Volli, che titoliamo " Nel calderone del razzismo".
Ugo Volli
Quando accade un atto di violenza contro gli ebrei, un evento terribile come a Tolosa o solo una minaccia o un'espressione d'odio, la condanna viene di solito espressa in termini di rifiuto del razzismo. Suona meglio dire che un gesto è razzista piuttosto che antisemita, l'infrazione al comune senso dell'umanità appare più vasto e generale, la difesa da esso meno particolaristica. E però bisogna capire che cosa si perde nell'immergere l'odio per gli ebrei nel calderone del razzismo. E' necessario riflettere di più su questo termine e su ciò che il suo uso implica. E' importante capire che seppure il razzismo è inevitabilmente antisemita, l'odio per gli ebrei non sia necessariamente razzista. Non solo perché la parola “razza” è relativamente recente, non si diffonde in Europa prima del sedicesimo secolo (mentre “razzismo” è un vocabolo solo ottocentesco). Ma perché il concetto è estremamente limitativo.
Il razzismo è una bizzarra teoria ottocentesca, che pretendeva una inesistente base scientifica, per cui gli esseri umani andrebbero divisi in gruppi chiusi, appunto le “razze” con caratteristiche psicofisiche essenziali ben differenziate, naturalmente alcune superiori e altre inferiori. La scienza ha mostrato da tempo che queste “essenze” non esistono, che tutti i gruppi umani sono non solo ovviamente interfertili (che è il criterio biologico per la differenziazione di specie), ma di fatto sempre largamente mescolati e che la variabilità genetica interna a ciascun gruppo umano è sempre assai più vasta dalla differenza statistica fra gruppi.
I tratti più visibili, come il colore della pelle ecc. non sono segni rivelatori di un'essenza razziale ma adattamenti a certe condizioni fisiche dei luoghi come l'illuminazione solare, che emergono rapidamente per adattamento evolutivo in qualunque popolazione sia sottoposta a quelle condizioni. Essere razzisti è oggi come credere che la terra sia piatta: pura ignoranza.
C'è bisogno di attribuire questo errore intellettuale all'assassino di Tolosa per capire i suoi atti? Si può affermare che abbia ammazzato dei bambini, consapevolmente e deliberatamente, perché pensava che fossero di razza inferiore? Basterebbe essere consapevoli che siamo tutti esseri umani, contraddire l'aberrazione ideologica nazista, per eliminare questo tipo di crimini orrendi?
Anche se in alcuni casi si sono estesi al “sangue”, cioè alla discendenza ebraica, le persecuzioni cristiane e islamiche contro gli ebrei non erano razziste: chi si convertiva in genere aveva salva la vita. L'obiettivo era la religione, certamente, nel senso che il discrimine per cristiani e islamici era una dichiarazione di fede; ma allo stesso tempo veniva colpita la specificità culturale e nazionale dell'ebraismo: anche se nel corso della storia molti ebrei si sono convertiti per convinzione, per interesse o più spesso per salvarsi la vita, non vi sono ebrei cristiani o ebrei musulmani, come vi sono per esempio Bosniaci cristiani e musulmani.
Nell'ebraismo il carattere nazionale e quello religioso coincidono largamente.
L'odio per gli ebrei (uso questa locuzione invece dell'antisemitismo che è anch'essa parola ottocentesca) è dunque odio di una religione e di un popolo allo stesso tempo: come si possono odiare induisti e musulmani in Kashmir, e anche come vi è stato odio fra polacchi e russi o fra francesi e tedeschi. L'odio contro gli ebrei è però molto più largamente diffuso, molto più permanente e soprattutto esso è eliminativo.
I più nazionalisti dei serbi non potevano pensare di distruggere i musulmani kossovari fino all'ultimo uomo, gli sciiti iracheni non possono voler cancellare dalla faccia della terra i sunniti o viceversa – per il semplice fatto che non è possibile. Sono odi feroci e violenti, ma non eliminativi. Quello per gli ebrei lo è: Hitler parlava di “soluzione finale”, molti autori nella Chiesa credono che ci sia bisogno della conversione di tutti gli ebrei per la parusia, il ritorno finale; nel mondo islamico circolano detti attribuiti al Profeta sull'eliminazione degli ultimi ebrei nascosti dietro sassi e alberi.
La ragione di queste caratteristiche non è facile da comprendere, ma certamente ha a che fare con il fatto che gli ebrei sono stati per millenni dispersi in piccoli gruppi in mezzo a popolazioni differenti: estreme minoranze che hanno rifiutato di assimilarsi. Cristianesimo, Islam, laicismo volterriano, marxismo, nazismo hanno avuto il progetto comune di eliminare questa anomalia, con la distruzione culturale o con quella fisica, a seconda dei luoghi, dei momenti o delle tendenze dei movimenti. I progetti di soluzione finale del problema ebraico attraverso la conversione più o meno forzata (secondo la promessa cristiana o musulmana), o l'assimilazione (come volevano Marx e gli illuministi), l'espulsione (buona parte degli stati europei fra medioevo e prima modernità) o lo sterminio (i nazisti) sono certamente assai diversi sul piano delle conseguenze personali e anche dell'intenzione etica; ma dal punto di vista storico-culturale il risultato non è troppo diverso: tutte queste strade portano a una società senza ebrei. Il razzismo non c'entra, la Chiesa e l'Islam si vogliono universali, ammettono tutti i popoli, purché convertiti. Fanno eccezione solo per Israele.
Il primo sionismo si illuse che la costruzione di uno stato degli ebrei e quindi la fine dello stato di minoranza dispersa avrebbe annullato l'odio. Di fatto quest'odio è solo cambiato, si è esteso dai singoli individui allo stato. Nel passato l'odio per gli ebrei prendeva ridicoli pretesti religiosi (“il popolo deicida”, o che “aveva rifiutato Maometto”), o assumeva calunnie più gravi e ancor più infondate (gli omicidi rituali, gli avvelenamenti dei pozzi), si basava sul carattere “capitalista” degli ebrei (per secoli in Europa costretti a fare i prestatori di denaro dalla proibizione di altri lavori) o sul loro rapporto col socialismo, o infine sulla menzogna della razza.
Oggi sarebbe Israele a “opprimere” i palestinesi, a uccidere bambini, strappare organi ai defunti, a non volere la pace, a “colonizzare” a “giudeizzare Gerusalemme” eccetera.
Sono tutte menzogne, ma la loro falsità non impedisce agli assassini di ucciderci e alle organizzazioni internazionali di discriminare Israele in maniera sistematica.
Definendo quest'odio “razzista” gli togliamo la sua terribile specificità storica, lo annacquiamo in un calderone di antipatie e localismi. Coloro che hanno detto che l'assassino di Tolosa non ce l'aveva con gli ebrei ma con la Francia, probabilmente l'hanno fatto a fin di bene, per cercare protezione in una legalità generale. Chi, pur di origine ebraica, ha insinuato che si facesse scandalo per gli ebrei ma non lo si sarebbe fatto per i Rom, invece l'ha fatto con la malvagità di chi si è unito agli odiatori del proprio popolo.
Resta il fatto che entrambe questa posizioni sono sbagliate. Magari l'assassino di Tolosa odiava anche la Francia di cui era cittadino. Ma il suo odio per gli ebrei non derivava da quello par la Francia, né era spiegabile con le sue condizioni sociali, né era razzista: era l'ultimo anello di una catena millenaria, ed era stato alimentato da specifici e infaticabili maestri d'odio, antisemiti consapevoli, impegnati a distruggerci fino all'ultimo uomo.
Questo dobbiamo sapere senza farci illusioni. E senza rifugiarci dietro le consolanti etichette del razzismo e del nazismo, pretesti momentanei e perituri di un odio molto più profondo e antico.
25.03.2012 Nei prossimi giorni la Palestina sarà liberata... Commento di Deborah Fait
25.03.2012 Nei prossimi giorni la Palestina sarà liberata...
Commento di Deborah Fait
Testata: Informazione Corretta
Data: 25 marzo 2012
Pagina: 1
Autore: Deborah Fait
Titolo: «Nei prossimi giorni la Palestina sarà liberata...»
Nei prossimi giorni la Palestina sarà liberata...
di Deborah Fait
Deborah Fait
Non ci crederete ma circolano in internet voci sempre piu' insistenti che Mohamed Merah non sia stato un assassino terrorista islamico ma un agente del Mossad che ha avuto ordini di ammazzare bambini ebrei per mettere in cattiva luce l'Islam, religione di pace e amore, faro di civilta'.
Non basta, ho letto che Anders Behring Breivik, il terrorista norvegese assassino di 77 ragazzi in un isola della Norvegia, e' stato mandato a compiere la strage dal Mossad. Gia', gia', avete letto bene, proprio dal Mossad. Naturalmente, indovinate un po', anche i due tagliagole che hanno distrutto la famiglia Fogel non erano mica terroristi, no, erano al soldo di Israele per demonizzare i bravi palestinesi.
Quando ci va bene, nel senso che, quando non accusano Israele di ammazzare il proprio popolo in casa e all'estero per danneggiare l'onore dell'islam, ecco che qualcuno e' pronto a dichiarare che gli assassini non sono antisemiti, no, assolutamente, sono semplicemente teppisti, criminali comuni, come nel caso della banda assassina di Ilan Halimi, torturato per tre settimane e gettato, morente, in una discarica. Fofana, il capo della "banda dei barbari", al processo, ha dichiarato ridendo che gli ebrei sono tutti ricchi e cosi' ne hanno rapito uno per avere dei soldi, e, per avere dei soldi, per tre settimane gli hanno spento sigarette sul viso, lo hanno innaffiato coll' acido, lo hanno lasciato agonizzare tra gli escrementi. Un orrore senza fine sul povero corpo di un ragazzo ebreo. Secondo le autorita' e i media francesi, non erano assassini antisemiti, no, semplicemente criminali comuni, resi tali dalla cultura occidentale che li discrimina e li obbliga a delinquere. Chissa' perche' questi "criminali comuni" si imbattono sempre in qualche ebreo da ammazzare o, nel migliore dei casi, da prendere a bastonate .
Pensa te, 'sti ebrei che vanno a farsi uccidere per puro vittimismo, si sa che lo fanno da sempre, per pura cattiveria e perche' i loro assassini siano accusati di odiare tutto il popolo ebraico.
No, amici, i nostri nemici non demordono, armati dell'odio piu' profondo contro Israele, sono sempre molto attenti e pronti a rivoltare la verita' in modo che gli ebrei, i fetentissimi ebrei, siano considerati dall'opinione pubblica assassini dei propri bambini, pericolosi per la "pace nel mondo" che senza Israele non avrebbe problemi di sorta, responsabili delle piu' terribili guerre e di enormi disastri naturali, dai terremoti agli tsunami. .
E' cosi' che l'odio crea altro odio. E' cosi' che diventa facile, quasi normale, delegittimare Israele, mostro tra le nazioni e responsabile di ogni malefatta. E' cosi' che diventa addirittura un gioco da bambini organizzare manifestazioni di odio totale contro gli ebrei ed e' cosi' che un ragazzo nelle cui vene scorre solo odio e fanatismo arriva a rincorrere una bambina ebrea di otto anni, prenderla per i capelli puntarle la canna della pistola alla tempia e sparare, non un colpo, due colpi per essere sicuro che sia morta come gli altri due bambini ebrei di tre e cinque anni ammazzati mentre il loro padre, ebreo anche lui, cercava di proteggerli col proprio corpo.
Non esiste niente del genere nella storia dell'umanita', mai nessun popolo, durante tutta la sua esistenza, e' stato colpevolizzato per delitti mai compiuti, mai nessun popolo, oltre ad essere perseguitato, ha dovuto sopportare anche la beffa di sentirsi accusare di provocare avversione e implacabile ostilita'. Mai nessuno al mondo si e' sentito dire "se non andavi ad abitare la' non saresti stato ucciso". Mai nessun popolo si e' mai sentito dire " vi perseguitiamo perche' siete stupidi o perche' siete intelligenti, perche' siete poveri o perche' siete ricchi, perche' siete erranti o perche' avete una patria"
Mai nessuno.
E' da poco finita la "settimana dell'odio contro Israele"? Chi vi ha partecipato sta ancora facendo ordine tra volantini e slogans da usare la prossima volta, che gia', nei paesi islamici, si preparano alla "marcia per liberare Gerusalemme" che avra' luogo il 30 marzo. L'Iran sta gia' organizzando il tutto come si conviene, si chiamera' "Global March to Jerusalem" , scusate ma non so come la chiameranno in arabo, so pero' che l'ambasciatore iraniano a Beirut, il signor Ghazanfar Rokn-Abadi, ha dichiarato che "nei prossimi giorni la Palestina sara' liberata". Debkafile scrive che il regime di Teheran sta " invitando" gli ebrei iraniani a partecipare alla marcia e "chiede" (immagino con la gentilezza propria di quel regime) di fornire alla causa giovani ebrei dai 18 ai 22 anni che avranno "l'onore" di essere tra i primi a rompere il confine tra Libano e Israele e a dare il via all'incursione per liberare la Palestina e Gerusalemme. Chi non obbedira' probabilmente sparira' da qualche parte per mai piu' ritornare
Ahmadinejad ha gia' fatto preparare per il grande evento delle caricature nel solito stile nazista e pare che quella vincente rappresenti la moschea di Al Aqsa circondata dal filo spinato di Auschwitz. Scommetto che Vauro sara' invidiosissimo.
Che altro amici? Ahhh si, il laburista Livingston, quello che vorrebbe fare polpette di Israele, candidato a sindaco di Londra ha detto " da sindaco rendero' Londra il faro dell'Islam" , introducendo nel cuore dell'Europa, un cultura tribale che pratica la Sharia. Dunque, mentre Eurabia avanza inesorabilmente e l'Iran minaccia ancora e sempre di distruggere Israele, ecco che alcuni pacifisti israeliani, ahime' non piu' intelligenti di quelli del resto del mondo, manifestano a Tel Aviv con cartelli del tipo "Iran non ti bombarderemo" e "Iraniani noi vi amiamo". Come tutti i pacifisti, anche i nostrani, falsificano la verita' , Israele non vuole bombardare l'Iran ma i siti nuclerari che sono tutti in zone desertiche e non abitate. Israele ama gli iraniani, non c'e' mai stata una manifestazione contro quel popolo, e' vero il contrario, e' vero che gli iraniani non hanno mai detto una parola in difesa di Israele e del suo minacciato annientamento con relativo sterminio degli ebrei. Mi auguro, per il bene di tutto il popolo di Israele, che i manifestanti di Tel Aviv non debbano mai pentirsi.
Commento di Deborah Fait
Testata: Informazione Corretta
Data: 25 marzo 2012
Pagina: 1
Autore: Deborah Fait
Titolo: «Nei prossimi giorni la Palestina sarà liberata...»
Nei prossimi giorni la Palestina sarà liberata...
di Deborah Fait
Deborah Fait
Non ci crederete ma circolano in internet voci sempre piu' insistenti che Mohamed Merah non sia stato un assassino terrorista islamico ma un agente del Mossad che ha avuto ordini di ammazzare bambini ebrei per mettere in cattiva luce l'Islam, religione di pace e amore, faro di civilta'.
Non basta, ho letto che Anders Behring Breivik, il terrorista norvegese assassino di 77 ragazzi in un isola della Norvegia, e' stato mandato a compiere la strage dal Mossad. Gia', gia', avete letto bene, proprio dal Mossad. Naturalmente, indovinate un po', anche i due tagliagole che hanno distrutto la famiglia Fogel non erano mica terroristi, no, erano al soldo di Israele per demonizzare i bravi palestinesi.
Quando ci va bene, nel senso che, quando non accusano Israele di ammazzare il proprio popolo in casa e all'estero per danneggiare l'onore dell'islam, ecco che qualcuno e' pronto a dichiarare che gli assassini non sono antisemiti, no, assolutamente, sono semplicemente teppisti, criminali comuni, come nel caso della banda assassina di Ilan Halimi, torturato per tre settimane e gettato, morente, in una discarica. Fofana, il capo della "banda dei barbari", al processo, ha dichiarato ridendo che gli ebrei sono tutti ricchi e cosi' ne hanno rapito uno per avere dei soldi, e, per avere dei soldi, per tre settimane gli hanno spento sigarette sul viso, lo hanno innaffiato coll' acido, lo hanno lasciato agonizzare tra gli escrementi. Un orrore senza fine sul povero corpo di un ragazzo ebreo. Secondo le autorita' e i media francesi, non erano assassini antisemiti, no, semplicemente criminali comuni, resi tali dalla cultura occidentale che li discrimina e li obbliga a delinquere. Chissa' perche' questi "criminali comuni" si imbattono sempre in qualche ebreo da ammazzare o, nel migliore dei casi, da prendere a bastonate .
Pensa te, 'sti ebrei che vanno a farsi uccidere per puro vittimismo, si sa che lo fanno da sempre, per pura cattiveria e perche' i loro assassini siano accusati di odiare tutto il popolo ebraico.
No, amici, i nostri nemici non demordono, armati dell'odio piu' profondo contro Israele, sono sempre molto attenti e pronti a rivoltare la verita' in modo che gli ebrei, i fetentissimi ebrei, siano considerati dall'opinione pubblica assassini dei propri bambini, pericolosi per la "pace nel mondo" che senza Israele non avrebbe problemi di sorta, responsabili delle piu' terribili guerre e di enormi disastri naturali, dai terremoti agli tsunami. .
E' cosi' che l'odio crea altro odio. E' cosi' che diventa facile, quasi normale, delegittimare Israele, mostro tra le nazioni e responsabile di ogni malefatta. E' cosi' che diventa addirittura un gioco da bambini organizzare manifestazioni di odio totale contro gli ebrei ed e' cosi' che un ragazzo nelle cui vene scorre solo odio e fanatismo arriva a rincorrere una bambina ebrea di otto anni, prenderla per i capelli puntarle la canna della pistola alla tempia e sparare, non un colpo, due colpi per essere sicuro che sia morta come gli altri due bambini ebrei di tre e cinque anni ammazzati mentre il loro padre, ebreo anche lui, cercava di proteggerli col proprio corpo.
Non esiste niente del genere nella storia dell'umanita', mai nessun popolo, durante tutta la sua esistenza, e' stato colpevolizzato per delitti mai compiuti, mai nessun popolo, oltre ad essere perseguitato, ha dovuto sopportare anche la beffa di sentirsi accusare di provocare avversione e implacabile ostilita'. Mai nessuno al mondo si e' sentito dire "se non andavi ad abitare la' non saresti stato ucciso". Mai nessun popolo si e' mai sentito dire " vi perseguitiamo perche' siete stupidi o perche' siete intelligenti, perche' siete poveri o perche' siete ricchi, perche' siete erranti o perche' avete una patria"
Mai nessuno.
E' da poco finita la "settimana dell'odio contro Israele"? Chi vi ha partecipato sta ancora facendo ordine tra volantini e slogans da usare la prossima volta, che gia', nei paesi islamici, si preparano alla "marcia per liberare Gerusalemme" che avra' luogo il 30 marzo. L'Iran sta gia' organizzando il tutto come si conviene, si chiamera' "Global March to Jerusalem" , scusate ma non so come la chiameranno in arabo, so pero' che l'ambasciatore iraniano a Beirut, il signor Ghazanfar Rokn-Abadi, ha dichiarato che "nei prossimi giorni la Palestina sara' liberata". Debkafile scrive che il regime di Teheran sta " invitando" gli ebrei iraniani a partecipare alla marcia e "chiede" (immagino con la gentilezza propria di quel regime) di fornire alla causa giovani ebrei dai 18 ai 22 anni che avranno "l'onore" di essere tra i primi a rompere il confine tra Libano e Israele e a dare il via all'incursione per liberare la Palestina e Gerusalemme. Chi non obbedira' probabilmente sparira' da qualche parte per mai piu' ritornare
Ahmadinejad ha gia' fatto preparare per il grande evento delle caricature nel solito stile nazista e pare che quella vincente rappresenti la moschea di Al Aqsa circondata dal filo spinato di Auschwitz. Scommetto che Vauro sara' invidiosissimo.
Che altro amici? Ahhh si, il laburista Livingston, quello che vorrebbe fare polpette di Israele, candidato a sindaco di Londra ha detto " da sindaco rendero' Londra il faro dell'Islam" , introducendo nel cuore dell'Europa, un cultura tribale che pratica la Sharia. Dunque, mentre Eurabia avanza inesorabilmente e l'Iran minaccia ancora e sempre di distruggere Israele, ecco che alcuni pacifisti israeliani, ahime' non piu' intelligenti di quelli del resto del mondo, manifestano a Tel Aviv con cartelli del tipo "Iran non ti bombarderemo" e "Iraniani noi vi amiamo". Come tutti i pacifisti, anche i nostrani, falsificano la verita' , Israele non vuole bombardare l'Iran ma i siti nuclerari che sono tutti in zone desertiche e non abitate. Israele ama gli iraniani, non c'e' mai stata una manifestazione contro quel popolo, e' vero il contrario, e' vero che gli iraniani non hanno mai detto una parola in difesa di Israele e del suo minacciato annientamento con relativo sterminio degli ebrei. Mi auguro, per il bene di tutto il popolo di Israele, che i manifestanti di Tel Aviv non debbano mai pentirsi.
anti-Semites Sympathize with Toulouse Killer
Anti-Semites Sympathize with Toulouse Killer
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
Several French Muslim students honored a one-minute silence for the Toulouse murderer, and Facebook page paid “homage” to the killer until the social networking company banned it.
Others condemned Israel for “exploiting” the murders, and some French media called the terrorist a “child” while others said he was a victim of economic hardship for Muslims.
Although most French schools held a moment of silence in memory of the victims, one teacher in Rouen staged a moment of silence for Mohammed Merah, who killed a rabbi and three young children at point-blank range last week at the Otzar HaTorah Jewish school in Toulouse. He killed three French paratroopers of North African and Carribean origin, all of whom were Muslim, the week prior.
Most of the children left the classroom in protest, but others honored the teacher’s request, and student proclaimed that the murder victims “deserved it." The teacher explained that Merah, linked to Al Qaeda, was a “victim” and that media reports of his Al Qaeda links were a media invention.
The education authority suspended her after protests but pointed out the disciplinary action does not necessarily mean that the teacher is “guilty.” The teacher’s union later said that the teacher regretted her comments.
The local education authority said the suspension does not mean she is guilty.
A Facebook page paid homage to Merah until the site managers removed it, but not before several hundred people clicked on it, many of them leaving remarks against the police and in support of Muslim fanaticism.
The Electronic Intifada stated on its site, “What does the spokesman of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu do when his propaganda efforts fail to conceal Israel’s abuses of Palestinians? He uses the blood of Jewish children murdered in the French city of Toulouse last week to try to blot them out. This is low, even for Israeli official propaganda.
“Since 16 February – when Israeli occupation forces violently seized from her home in the West Bank village of Burqin – Hana al-Shalabi has been on hunger strike because she has no other way to resist the injustice Israel is inflicting on her and her family.”
Several media outlets in France termed the 14-year-old Merah a “child” who was a victim of poor socio-economic conditions.
Le Figaro backed a popular theme in French media that there was “no doubt" that Merah was incited by “Islamophobia.”
The New York Times noted that French “Muslims complain widely of feeling vilified by some political elements, on the right in particular.”
Tags: Toulouse ,Toulouse terror attack ,Anti-Semitism
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
Several French Muslim students honored a one-minute silence for the Toulouse murderer, and Facebook page paid “homage” to the killer until the social networking company banned it.
Others condemned Israel for “exploiting” the murders, and some French media called the terrorist a “child” while others said he was a victim of economic hardship for Muslims.
Although most French schools held a moment of silence in memory of the victims, one teacher in Rouen staged a moment of silence for Mohammed Merah, who killed a rabbi and three young children at point-blank range last week at the Otzar HaTorah Jewish school in Toulouse. He killed three French paratroopers of North African and Carribean origin, all of whom were Muslim, the week prior.
Most of the children left the classroom in protest, but others honored the teacher’s request, and student proclaimed that the murder victims “deserved it." The teacher explained that Merah, linked to Al Qaeda, was a “victim” and that media reports of his Al Qaeda links were a media invention.
The education authority suspended her after protests but pointed out the disciplinary action does not necessarily mean that the teacher is “guilty.” The teacher’s union later said that the teacher regretted her comments.
The local education authority said the suspension does not mean she is guilty.
A Facebook page paid homage to Merah until the site managers removed it, but not before several hundred people clicked on it, many of them leaving remarks against the police and in support of Muslim fanaticism.
The Electronic Intifada stated on its site, “What does the spokesman of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu do when his propaganda efforts fail to conceal Israel’s abuses of Palestinians? He uses the blood of Jewish children murdered in the French city of Toulouse last week to try to blot them out. This is low, even for Israeli official propaganda.
“Since 16 February – when Israeli occupation forces violently seized from her home in the West Bank village of Burqin – Hana al-Shalabi has been on hunger strike because she has no other way to resist the injustice Israel is inflicting on her and her family.”
Several media outlets in France termed the 14-year-old Merah a “child” who was a victim of poor socio-economic conditions.
Le Figaro backed a popular theme in French media that there was “no doubt" that Merah was incited by “Islamophobia.”
The New York Times noted that French “Muslims complain widely of feeling vilified by some political elements, on the right in particular.”
Tags: Toulouse ,Toulouse terror attack ,Anti-Semitism
Israel Will Bar Entry of UN Rights Council, Warns Ayalon
Israel Will Bar Entry of UN Rights Council, Warns Ayalon
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
Israel will bar entry of U.N. officials trying to investigate alleged effects of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria on Palestinian Authority Arabs, Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon said Sunday morning.
"Once again the Human Rights Council has proven that it is essentially a rubber stamp of the Palestinians and it has again been proven that the Palestinians do not seek an historical reconciliation or peace, but confrontation and struggle,” he said after the international body announced its newest investigation against Israel.
Ayalon added, "This is a continuation of the political incitement campaign that the Palestinians have been holding against us in recent months. As far as Israel is concerned, the U.N. committee has no effect - political nor moral - and therefore we will not allow them to work here."
He said Sunday morning there is no point in cooperating with a Council that tries to cause damage to Israel, and he pointed out that the Human Rights Council includes several countries who lead the world in violating the rights of their citizens.
Foreign Minister Avifdor Lieberman said last week that Israel might quit the Council.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu stated, "Until today, the Council has made 91 decisions, 39 of which dealt with Israel, three with Syria and one with Iran. One only had to hear the Syrian representative speak today about human rights in order to understand how detached from reality the Council is. Another proof of its detachment from reality came last week when it invited before it a representative of Hamas, an organization whose ideology is based on the murder of innocents.”
Two years ago, retired South African Judge Richard Goldstone headed a Human Rights Council committee that issued a book of more than 500 pages on war crimes allegedly committee by Israel during the counterterrorist Operation Cast Lead campaign in Gaza.
More than a year after the report, Goldstone admitted that he later learned facts that supported Israeli statements that the Hamas terrorist organization used civilians as shields for their terrorist attacks against Israel.
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
Israel will bar entry of U.N. officials trying to investigate alleged effects of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria on Palestinian Authority Arabs, Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon said Sunday morning.
"Once again the Human Rights Council has proven that it is essentially a rubber stamp of the Palestinians and it has again been proven that the Palestinians do not seek an historical reconciliation or peace, but confrontation and struggle,” he said after the international body announced its newest investigation against Israel.
Ayalon added, "This is a continuation of the political incitement campaign that the Palestinians have been holding against us in recent months. As far as Israel is concerned, the U.N. committee has no effect - political nor moral - and therefore we will not allow them to work here."
He said Sunday morning there is no point in cooperating with a Council that tries to cause damage to Israel, and he pointed out that the Human Rights Council includes several countries who lead the world in violating the rights of their citizens.
Foreign Minister Avifdor Lieberman said last week that Israel might quit the Council.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu stated, "Until today, the Council has made 91 decisions, 39 of which dealt with Israel, three with Syria and one with Iran. One only had to hear the Syrian representative speak today about human rights in order to understand how detached from reality the Council is. Another proof of its detachment from reality came last week when it invited before it a representative of Hamas, an organization whose ideology is based on the murder of innocents.”
Two years ago, retired South African Judge Richard Goldstone headed a Human Rights Council committee that issued a book of more than 500 pages on war crimes allegedly committee by Israel during the counterterrorist Operation Cast Lead campaign in Gaza.
More than a year after the report, Goldstone admitted that he later learned facts that supported Israeli statements that the Hamas terrorist organization used civilians as shields for their terrorist attacks against Israel.
Former Egyptian Diplomat Gamal Bayoumi, Secretary-General of Arab Investors Union, Defends Peace with Israel: It Allowed Us 40 Years of Building up Egypt's Economic Power
Special Dispatch No. 4602
Former Egyptian Diplomat Gamal Bayoumi, Secretary-General of Arab Investors Union, Defends Peace with Israel: It Allowed Us 40 Years of Building up Egypt's Economic Power
Following are excerpts from an interview with former Egyptian diplomat Gamal Bayoumi, secretary-general of the Arab Investors Union, which aired on Al-Tahrir TV on March 6, 2012.
To view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit
Gamal Bayoumi: "My position with regard to Iran is based on two things. One is that Iran has been hostile to the Egyptian peace process throughout. Iran has not just expressed its opposition, but has acted to destroy it."
To read the full report, visit
Former Egyptian Diplomat Gamal Bayoumi, Secretary-General of Arab Investors Union, Defends Peace with Israel: It Allowed Us 40 Years of Building up Egypt's Economic Power
Following are excerpts from an interview with former Egyptian diplomat Gamal Bayoumi, secretary-general of the Arab Investors Union, which aired on Al-Tahrir TV on March 6, 2012.
To view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit
Gamal Bayoumi: "My position with regard to Iran is based on two things. One is that Iran has been hostile to the Egyptian peace process throughout. Iran has not just expressed its opposition, but has acted to destroy it."
To read the full report, visit
Egyptian Author Sayyid Al-Qimni: We Have Tried Islamic Rule for 1,400 Years and It Has Failed
Special Dispatch No. 4603
Egyptian Author Sayyid Al-Qimni: We Have Tried Islamic Rule for 1,400 Years and It Has Failed
Following are excerpts from an interview with Egyptian author Sayyid Al-Qimni, which aired on Al-Arabiya TV on February 23, 2012.
To view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit
Interviewer: "Almost everybody agrees that the people you were talking about, who have entered Egyptian parliament – the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafis – differ from the jihad organization and from Al-Qaeda, who are represented by Al-Qaeda in Iraq, and renounce their actions. Why do you lump them all together?"
To read the full report, visit
Egyptian Author Sayyid Al-Qimni: We Have Tried Islamic Rule for 1,400 Years and It Has Failed
Following are excerpts from an interview with Egyptian author Sayyid Al-Qimni, which aired on Al-Arabiya TV on February 23, 2012.
To view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit
Interviewer: "Almost everybody agrees that the people you were talking about, who have entered Egyptian parliament – the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafis – differ from the jihad organization and from Al-Qaeda, who are represented by Al-Qaeda in Iraq, and renounce their actions. Why do you lump them all together?"
To read the full report, visit
PM: Gov't aims to reduce crime in Arab sector
PM: Gov't aims to reduce crime in Arab sector
03/25/2012 13:08
Netanyahu tells cabinet that Arab community can help itself by volunteering in civil service.
By POLICE MOTORCYCLISTS ride at the front of an antiv
Reducing crime in the Arab sector is a government goal that also needs to be a goal of the country, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said Sunday at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting.
Netanyahu's comments came after there were three murders in the Arab sector last weekend.
"I appreciate the fact that there are increasing voices from within the Arab sector, from its leaders, mayors and citizens, calling for stepped-up law enforcement within Arab communities and villages," Netanyahu said.
He went on to say that this was an important change and he would add to his call for enlistment in the civilian service. Netanyahu said that this would also make it possible to combine actions for increased law enforcement.
The prime minister insisted that the Arab community could help itself: "The Arab sector can help itself vis-à-vis increased law enforcement by volunteering in the civilian service as well."
Netanyahu informed the cabinet that last week he attended a conference that the government organized on increasing the involvement of Israeli Arabs in Israel's economic growth.
"We spoke there about the steps to involve them in the economy, education, transportation, access to jobs and many other issues," the prime minister explained. He stressed the importance of all these steps being taken.
"While the government has invested billions of shekels in moving forward on these goals in the Arab sector, I would like to say that without law enforcement, none of these steps will achieve the goal that we are hoping for and striving toward – i.e. the integration of Israeli Arabs in the State of Israel's progress," Netanyahu said.
Netanyahu said that alongside all of these actions that, "there must also be partnership in enforcing the law."
The prime minister said that he expected a practical response from Arab sector community representatives regarding increased law enforcement in their communities.
03/25/2012 13:08
Netanyahu tells cabinet that Arab community can help itself by volunteering in civil service.
By POLICE MOTORCYCLISTS ride at the front of an antiv
Reducing crime in the Arab sector is a government goal that also needs to be a goal of the country, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said Sunday at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting.
Netanyahu's comments came after there were three murders in the Arab sector last weekend.
"I appreciate the fact that there are increasing voices from within the Arab sector, from its leaders, mayors and citizens, calling for stepped-up law enforcement within Arab communities and villages," Netanyahu said.
He went on to say that this was an important change and he would add to his call for enlistment in the civilian service. Netanyahu said that this would also make it possible to combine actions for increased law enforcement.
The prime minister insisted that the Arab community could help itself: "The Arab sector can help itself vis-à-vis increased law enforcement by volunteering in the civilian service as well."
Netanyahu informed the cabinet that last week he attended a conference that the government organized on increasing the involvement of Israeli Arabs in Israel's economic growth.
"We spoke there about the steps to involve them in the economy, education, transportation, access to jobs and many other issues," the prime minister explained. He stressed the importance of all these steps being taken.
"While the government has invested billions of shekels in moving forward on these goals in the Arab sector, I would like to say that without law enforcement, none of these steps will achieve the goal that we are hoping for and striving toward – i.e. the integration of Israeli Arabs in the State of Israel's progress," Netanyahu said.
Netanyahu said that alongside all of these actions that, "there must also be partnership in enforcing the law."
The prime minister said that he expected a practical response from Arab sector community representatives regarding increased law enforcement in their communities.
Al-Shabab Commander: Our Declaration of Allegiance to Al-Qaeda is 'a Key to Renewing the Caliphate, Expelling the Crusaders from the Muslim World, and Liberating Jerusalem'
Al-Shabab Commander: Our Declaration of Allegiance to Al-Qaeda is 'a Key to Renewing the Caliphate, Expelling the Crusaders from the Muslim World, and Liberating Jerusalem'
In a new audio recording, the commander of the Somali jihad organization Al-Shabab Al-Mujahideen, Mukhtar Abu Al-Zubair, declared that the Muslims' victory over the Crusaders is near, and that last month's London Conference on Somalia was aimed at erasing this country from the map of the world. He also expressed satisfaction over his organization's declaration of allegiance to Al-Qaeda, calling it "a key to renewing the Caliphate, expelling the crusaders from the Muslim world, and liberating Jerusalem." He urged all Muslims to join the jihad, for it is an individual religious duty incumbent upon every believer.
Al-Zubair's address was aired on Al-Shabab's radio station, Al-Andalus, on March 22, 2012, and a transcript was posted the same day on the jihadi forum Shumoukh Al-Islam. The following are the main points of the transcript.
To read the full report, visit¶m=GJN.
In a new audio recording, the commander of the Somali jihad organization Al-Shabab Al-Mujahideen, Mukhtar Abu Al-Zubair, declared that the Muslims' victory over the Crusaders is near, and that last month's London Conference on Somalia was aimed at erasing this country from the map of the world. He also expressed satisfaction over his organization's declaration of allegiance to Al-Qaeda, calling it "a key to renewing the Caliphate, expelling the crusaders from the Muslim world, and liberating Jerusalem." He urged all Muslims to join the jihad, for it is an individual religious duty incumbent upon every believer.
Al-Zubair's address was aired on Al-Shabab's radio station, Al-Andalus, on March 22, 2012, and a transcript was posted the same day on the jihadi forum Shumoukh Al-Islam. The following are the main points of the transcript.
To read the full report, visit¶m=GJN.
Al-Qaeda Video Traces Pakistan Army's Role 'Against Muslims' In Iraq, Palestine, Delhi, Pakistani Tribal Region, Bangladesh
Al-Qaeda Video Traces Pakistan Army's Role 'Against Muslims' In Iraq, Palestine, Delhi, Pakistani Tribal Region, Bangladesh
Al-Qaeda militant Sher Alam
A new video released by Al-Qaeda traces the Pakistan Army's role "against Muslims" over the past century in Iraq, Palestine, Delhi, Pakistani tribal region and Bangladesh, and accuses it of killing Muslims and causing wounds to the Muslim Ummah.
The video is produced by Al-Sahab, the media arm of Al-Qaeda, and was released in two parts on a jihadist internet forum. The video starts with an interview of a mother, whose son was kidnapped by the Pakistani intelligence agencies six years ago and about whom there are no reports available to the family members. Similar clips from Pakistani television channels showing the relatives of "missing persons" kidnapped and killed by Pakistan intelligence agencies are shown.
To read the full report, visit¶m=UPP.
Al-Qaeda militant Sher Alam
A new video released by Al-Qaeda traces the Pakistan Army's role "against Muslims" over the past century in Iraq, Palestine, Delhi, Pakistani tribal region and Bangladesh, and accuses it of killing Muslims and causing wounds to the Muslim Ummah.
The video is produced by Al-Sahab, the media arm of Al-Qaeda, and was released in two parts on a jihadist internet forum. The video starts with an interview of a mother, whose son was kidnapped by the Pakistani intelligence agencies six years ago and about whom there are no reports available to the family members. Similar clips from Pakistani television channels showing the relatives of "missing persons" kidnapped and killed by Pakistan intelligence agencies are shown.
To read the full report, visit¶m=UPP.
New Video Documents Siege by Bedouin on Multinational Force Mission in Sinai, Indicates Links to Salafi-Jihadis in Gaza
New Video Documents Siege by Bedouin on Multinational Force Mission in Sinai, Indicates Links to Salafi-Jihadis in Gaza
On March 9, 2012, the blog Ansar Al-Shari'a, which chiefly follows Salafi-jihadi activities in Egypt, reported that the same day, armed Bedouins had surrounded the Multinational Force and Observers (MFO) base in Sinai and laid siege to it. According to the report, they blocked access to the base from all four directions, in an attempt to pressure Egypt's "apostate government" to release jihadis from its prisons, chiefly Muhammad Al-Raba', Younis Abu Jurair, Osama Al-Nakhlawi, and Muhammad Gaiz.
The following day, the jihadi forum Shumoukh Al-Islam picked up the story, reporting that dozens of Bedouin were protesting on the roads leading to the base, blocking personnel and supplies from reaching the international forces there, and that they had even set up portable roadblocks, turning back anyone who was not a local resident. According to the report on Shumoukh,, the demonstration came in response to the Egyptian authorities' violation of a commitment to release jihadis from its prisons – a commitment made by the commander of the Egyptian 2nd Army during the Bedouin's previous round of demonstrations in late January 2012, in northern Sinai's Bir Lahfan area, in which they demanded, among other things, to halt natural gas exports to Israel and to release their prisoners.
To read the full report, visit¶m=GJN.
On March 9, 2012, the blog Ansar Al-Shari'a, which chiefly follows Salafi-jihadi activities in Egypt, reported that the same day, armed Bedouins had surrounded the Multinational Force and Observers (MFO) base in Sinai and laid siege to it. According to the report, they blocked access to the base from all four directions, in an attempt to pressure Egypt's "apostate government" to release jihadis from its prisons, chiefly Muhammad Al-Raba', Younis Abu Jurair, Osama Al-Nakhlawi, and Muhammad Gaiz.
The following day, the jihadi forum Shumoukh Al-Islam picked up the story, reporting that dozens of Bedouin were protesting on the roads leading to the base, blocking personnel and supplies from reaching the international forces there, and that they had even set up portable roadblocks, turning back anyone who was not a local resident. According to the report on Shumoukh,, the demonstration came in response to the Egyptian authorities' violation of a commitment to release jihadis from its prisons – a commitment made by the commander of the Egyptian 2nd Army during the Bedouin's previous round of demonstrations in late January 2012, in northern Sinai's Bir Lahfan area, in which they demanded, among other things, to halt natural gas exports to Israel and to release their prisoners.
To read the full report, visit¶m=GJN.
EMERGENCY: Israeli Towns Need More Bomb Shelters!
Dear friends,
As you probably know, about 10 days ago over 250 missiles fired from Gaza have exploded in southern Israel communities. Israeli citizens - men, women and children - are living in horrible fear of more attacks...
United with Israel initiated an emergency campaign to build bomb shelters in southern Israel. Thanks to your support, we will be delivering 2 above-ground portable bomb shelters in the Ashkelon area on Monday April 2. Please follow our Facebook page and website to see the results of your generosity.
While this was a great start, MANY MORE of these shelters are needed. We must appeal to you once again - to please help protect the residents of southern Israeli towns.
Imagine hearing a frightening siren blaring "Code Red, Code Red" and having just 15 seconds to run for cover. Imagine never being able to walk beyond a short distance of the nearest shelter. And in many areas there are simply no shelters that are near.
Can you imagine the fear and terror of a rocket whistling down, not knowing whether it will land a mile away or directly on your head? Or the sudden shock when you feel the impact and the sense the relief that you're still alive but the fear that your friends and family may not be so lucky.
Imagine if you were a little child and had to live with this EVERY DAY...
Over 12,000 Kassam Rockets have been fired into southern Israel in the last 10 years - and OVER 250 IN THE LAST 2 WEEKS. These missiles deliberately target Israeli civilians, causing chaos, destruction and death. An entire generation of children has been traumatized by the terror of ongoing rocket attacks.
Nearly one million Israeli residents are within striking range of Gaza. There is an immediate and dire need to protect Israeli citizens from missile attacks. Many more bomb shelters are needed.
Above-ground portable shelters need to be deployed in vulnerable Israeli communities. These shelters can be moved to where they are needed most. They will provide safety for Israeli citizens as they go about their daily lives. They are built to prevent the penetration of bullets, shrapnel and missile fragments and can withstand direct hits. While building underground shelters can take months, these pre-form units take only a few weeks to build and can be delivered and deployed immediately.
Although these shelters cannot provide Israeli communities with peace, they provide both safety and peace of mind.
We ask you to please forward this email to your family and friends. They too, deserve the opportunity to help protect the citizens of Israel. May God bless you for your kindness and generosity.
We thank you for support and for standing united with the People, Country and Land of Israel.
With Blessings from Israel,
The 'United with Israel' Family
As you probably know, about 10 days ago over 250 missiles fired from Gaza have exploded in southern Israel communities. Israeli citizens - men, women and children - are living in horrible fear of more attacks...
United with Israel initiated an emergency campaign to build bomb shelters in southern Israel. Thanks to your support, we will be delivering 2 above-ground portable bomb shelters in the Ashkelon area on Monday April 2. Please follow our Facebook page and website to see the results of your generosity.
While this was a great start, MANY MORE of these shelters are needed. We must appeal to you once again - to please help protect the residents of southern Israeli towns.
Imagine hearing a frightening siren blaring "Code Red, Code Red" and having just 15 seconds to run for cover. Imagine never being able to walk beyond a short distance of the nearest shelter. And in many areas there are simply no shelters that are near.
Can you imagine the fear and terror of a rocket whistling down, not knowing whether it will land a mile away or directly on your head? Or the sudden shock when you feel the impact and the sense the relief that you're still alive but the fear that your friends and family may not be so lucky.
Imagine if you were a little child and had to live with this EVERY DAY...
Over 12,000 Kassam Rockets have been fired into southern Israel in the last 10 years - and OVER 250 IN THE LAST 2 WEEKS. These missiles deliberately target Israeli civilians, causing chaos, destruction and death. An entire generation of children has been traumatized by the terror of ongoing rocket attacks.
Nearly one million Israeli residents are within striking range of Gaza. There is an immediate and dire need to protect Israeli citizens from missile attacks. Many more bomb shelters are needed.
Above-ground portable shelters need to be deployed in vulnerable Israeli communities. These shelters can be moved to where they are needed most. They will provide safety for Israeli citizens as they go about their daily lives. They are built to prevent the penetration of bullets, shrapnel and missile fragments and can withstand direct hits. While building underground shelters can take months, these pre-form units take only a few weeks to build and can be delivered and deployed immediately.
Although these shelters cannot provide Israeli communities with peace, they provide both safety and peace of mind.
We ask you to please forward this email to your family and friends. They too, deserve the opportunity to help protect the citizens of Israel. May God bless you for your kindness and generosity.
We thank you for support and for standing united with the People, Country and Land of Israel.
With Blessings from Israel,
The 'United with Israel' Family
Friday, March 23, 2012
Israel Calls for Immediate Dismissal of U.N. Tweeter
Israel Calls for Immediate Dismissal of U.N. Tweeter
Date Posted: 2012-03-19 05:54:31
Israel's ambassador to the United Nations, Ron Prosor, has called for the immediate dismissal of a Jerusalem based U.N. agency employee who is widely known for her blatant anti-Israel activism.
Khulood Badawi, the information and media coordinator for the United Nations Office for
The photo, however, was later identified as a 2006 Reuters photo. The girl died in a playground or car accident, not as a result of any actions taken by the IDF.
Yet, the Twitter message, which was re-tweeted by hundreds of other users, was highly instrumental in spreading a new wave of libels against the Israel Defense Forces.
Prosor sent a letter to the U.N. emergency coordinator, Valerie Amos, calling for Badawi's immediate dismissal.
Prosor wrote that Badawi's actions not only "violate conduct expected of a UN official," but that she also "actively engaged in the demonization of Israel, a member state of the United Nations. Such actions contribute to incitement, conflict and, ultimately, violence," according to Fox News, which obtained a copy of the letter.
"Although Ms. Badawi's portrayal of this photo was clearly a blatant falsehood, her post became the top tweet for anything related to Gaza on Twitter," Prosor affirmed.
Amos issued a reply saying, "It is regrettable that an OCHA staff member has posted information on her personal Twitter profile, which is both false and which reflects on issues that are related to her work. The opinions expressed in her tweets in no way reflect the views of OCHA, nor has it been sanctioned by OCHA."
Badawi, who has neither retracted not apologized for her inaccurate tweet, will remain employed by the agency during an internal investigation, Fox News reported.
Knesset speaker predicts early elections in 2012
Knesset speaker predicts early elections in 2012
Reuven Rivlin cites coalition problems and expected budget crisis as indicators that the current government will not hold
Speaker of the Knesset Reuven Rivlin (photo credit: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin, a member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s conservative Likud party, predicted Thursday that parliamentary elections will be moved up to the end of this year.
The speaker cited a fractured governing coalition, the upcoming US elections, as well as an expected upcoming crisis over the budget as indicators that the current government will not hold until the end of 2013 — when elections are currently scheduled — according to Ynet News.
Speaking Thursday to fellow Likud members at party headquarters in Tel Aviv, Rivlin said, “The current coalition will find it difficult to reach an agreement over the 2013 budget.” He added, “A party with 27 seats [in the Knesset] will struggle to pass a budget so conflicted in its priorities between socioeconomic needs and security considerations.”
The speaker’s statements came against the backdrop of a Yedioth Ahronoth article which claimed that Netanyahu was preparing to call for early elections.
According to the article, the prime minister may seek a consensus at the start of the Knesset’s summer session in May with respect to holding elections in September, 2012, more than a year ahead of schedule.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Pesach 5772
Amiche ed amici, nel frastuono di eventi creato da Farmerama, ognuno meraviglioso a suo modo, noto un certo silenzio verso gli eventi del popolo ebraico. Per questo chiedo agli amici della Bigpoint di creare un evento in occasione della prossima Pesach, quella del 5772esimo anno ebraico, quella che sarà dal 7 al 14 aprile prossimi.
Vi allego la spiegazione della Comunità Ebraica di Firenze... noterete che molti prodotti sono già fra quelli che si producono su Farmerama...
datevi da fare...
Ettore Lomaglio Silvestri
L’educazione alla libertà; un’idea implicita nella creazione dell’uomo a immagine divina, è uno degli obiettivi fondamentali di tutti i precetti. Nel raggiungimento di questo obiettivo le feste del pellegrinaggio (Pèsach, Shavuòt e Sukkòth) rivestono una funzione importante. Tre sono i tipi di libertà che devono essere raggiunti: la libertà fisica (da ogni forma di dittatura), la libertà spirituale (intesa come libertà di esprimersi nella propria cultura) e la libertà economica (intesa come libertà dal bisogno). Pèsach (Pasqua) ricorda la liberazione degli ebrei dalla schiavitù egiziana. Inizia il 15 di Nissàn e dura otto giorni. Per tutta la festa è vietato consumare cibi chamètz, cioè provenienti dalla fermentazione delle seguenti specie di graminacee: grano, orzo, avena, spelta e vecce. Il pane viene sostituito dalla matzà, il pane azzimo. Caratteristica fondamentale di questa festa è il sèder, la cena pasquale, nel corso della quale viene letta la Hagadà (un testo in cui viene narrata la storia degli ebrei in Egitto), si mangiano azzime ed erba amara, in ricordo dell’amarezza della schiavitù. Quando esisteva il santuario si faceva il sacrificio pasquale e si mangiava l’agnello. Un’operazione importante che viene fatta in casa durante l’antivigilia è quella della Bediqat chametz, cioè la ricerca delle sostanze lievitate o che si sospetta possano essere tali. La vigilia di Pèsach i primogeniti digiunano dall’alba al tramonto, in ricordo del fatto che essi furono salvati, a differenza dei primogeniti egiziani, morti durante l’ultima piaga¬if_t=plan_mall_activityPesach 5772
Vi allego la spiegazione della Comunità Ebraica di Firenze... noterete che molti prodotti sono già fra quelli che si producono su Farmerama...
datevi da fare...
Ettore Lomaglio Silvestri
L’educazione alla libertà; un’idea implicita nella creazione dell’uomo a immagine divina, è uno degli obiettivi fondamentali di tutti i precetti. Nel raggiungimento di questo obiettivo le feste del pellegrinaggio (Pèsach, Shavuòt e Sukkòth) rivestono una funzione importante. Tre sono i tipi di libertà che devono essere raggiunti: la libertà fisica (da ogni forma di dittatura), la libertà spirituale (intesa come libertà di esprimersi nella propria cultura) e la libertà economica (intesa come libertà dal bisogno). Pèsach (Pasqua) ricorda la liberazione degli ebrei dalla schiavitù egiziana. Inizia il 15 di Nissàn e dura otto giorni. Per tutta la festa è vietato consumare cibi chamètz, cioè provenienti dalla fermentazione delle seguenti specie di graminacee: grano, orzo, avena, spelta e vecce. Il pane viene sostituito dalla matzà, il pane azzimo. Caratteristica fondamentale di questa festa è il sèder, la cena pasquale, nel corso della quale viene letta la Hagadà (un testo in cui viene narrata la storia degli ebrei in Egitto), si mangiano azzime ed erba amara, in ricordo dell’amarezza della schiavitù. Quando esisteva il santuario si faceva il sacrificio pasquale e si mangiava l’agnello. Un’operazione importante che viene fatta in casa durante l’antivigilia è quella della Bediqat chametz, cioè la ricerca delle sostanze lievitate o che si sospetta possano essere tali. La vigilia di Pèsach i primogeniti digiunano dall’alba al tramonto, in ricordo del fatto che essi furono salvati, a differenza dei primogeniti egiziani, morti durante l’ultima piaga¬if_t=plan_mall_activityPesach 5772
PM Netanyahu Reponnse to Today’s Decision by the UN Human Rights Council
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Op-Ed: President Obama is not a Muslim (not that there’s anything wrong with that)
Op-Ed: President Obama is not a Muslim (not that there’s anything wrong with that)
By Aaron J. Hahn Tapper · March 22, 2012
SAN FRANCISCO (JTA) – Pundits have been pointing fingers since a recent poll found that 50 percent of Mississippi and Alabama GOP supporters said they believe that President Obama is a Muslim (with approximately another 40 percent in both states saying they are unsure).Some accuse Republicans of attempting to raise questions about Obama’s Christian identity. Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum insists he has said repeatedly that Obama is a Christian. But in January, during a town hall event in Florida, Santorum did not correct a woman who said that Obama “is an avowed Muslim,” responding to her false statement by saying that he agreed with some of the things she said. A few weeks later, in February, the Pennsylvania Republican referred to the president as adhering to a non-Christian faith -- “some phony theology, not a theology based on the Bible.” Santorum later argued that he was suggesting Obama’s religion was secularism. But many observers weren’t buying it.
An editor at The Atlantic, David Graham, criticized the poll itself, arguing that simply asking the question ends up perpetuating the “pernicious” claim that the president is a Muslim.
Implicit in all of these arguments is that there is something wrong with adhering to Islam. And on this front, Obama and his aides are not much better than the president’s opponents.
This latest turn in the 2012 presidential election plot line underscores a widespread yet underlying Islamophobic societal trend that noticeably has been around since the last presidential campaign. During the 2008 campaign, the false gossip ranged from the extreme -- Obama has secret ties to al-Qaida! -- to the benign, such as his having chosen to be sworn into Congress using a Koran.
Then and now, the Obama campaign has actively dismissed all such claims, even ones that aren’t particularly negative. In 2007, then-campaign spokesman Robert Gibbs referred to claims that Obama is a Muslim as “malicious and irresponsible charges.”
One of the 2008 Obama campaign election websites stated: “Lie: Senator Obama was sworn into the U.S. Senate using the Koran. Truth: Barack Obama was sworn in using his family Bible.”
As former Secretary of State Colin Powell once asked, “What if he is? Is there something wrong with being a Muslim in this country?” Would something be wrong if Obama had been sworn in using a Koran, as was U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) in January 2007?
The answer should be no. But the president and his supporters make it seem otherwise by treating the “Obama is a Muslim” claims as both insults and accusations that need disputing.
Religious identity is important to Americans, especially those running for the highest office in the land. This is a genuine concern for supporters of Obama just as it is for those behind Mitt Romney, who is seeking to become the first member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to be president.
The crux of this particular prejudice, however, is not based in wanting to know what Obama's religion is but wanting assurances about what his religion is not. Much of this likely stems from an American populace that is still dealing with the trauma of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, which were carried out by violent Muslim extremists with the implicit guilt by association tied to all followers of Islam.
By repeatedly insisting that Obama is not now nor has he ever been a Muslim, the Obama campaign and the White House deliver a problematic message to the world, including the Muslim American minority -- 1 percent of America’s population, according to the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life -- and the 1.6 billion Muslims living outside the United States. The message: At the very least, Muslims are unfit to be president.
And it’s not just the denials. At one event in Detroit during the 2008 presidential race, the Obama campaign moved two Muslim women wearing headscarves away from the podium and out of the sight of the cameras. Throughout that campaign, Obama spoke at numerous churches and several synagogues, but never once at a mosque.
Yes, in 2009 Obama gave a widely watched speech in Egypt, the largest Muslim majority country in the Middle East, in which he cited many verses from the Koran, thereby showing respect to the Islamic tradition. Yes, Obama’s administration has sent out statements to Americans and non-Americans alike honoring annual Muslim holidays. Yes, in an interview with CNN’s Larry King, responding to the satirical cover of The New Yorker tying him and his wife to Osama bin Laden and black militancy, he said that this “is actually an insult against Muslim Americans ... sometimes I’ve been derelict in pointing that out.” But Obama also added, “I wasn’t raised in a Muslim home and I pledge allegiance to the flag ...” When did these things become mutually exclusive? Why the mixed messages?
Obama's administrative staff, supporters and even some of his opponents continue to echo the mantra that Obama is a practicing Christian. Instead the main message should be that it does not matter if Obama were a Muslim.
When his campaign in 2008 said it was a “smear” to be called a Muslim, when his campaign and administration aides today fail to stress that there would be nothing wrong even if he were a Muslim, Obama is perpetuating the notion that there is something wrong with having a Muslim identity. Would false rumors that a politician were Jewish be considered an insult? What about being a Hindu or a Sikh?
During the 1940s, Nazi propagandists attacked Charlie Chaplin -- his film “The Great Dictator” mocked Adolf Hitler -- for being Jewish. Chaplin was a Christian, but he never denied the charge because he believed that to do so would play into the hands of anti-Semites.
Why hasn’t Obama taken such an approach? He’s had more than three years as president of the United States to stand loud and firm about how problematic it is to use the label “Muslim” as a pejorative.
The television sitcom “Seinfeld” dedicated an episode to this sort of liberal hypocrisy, with Jerry and George denying being gay lovers followed by a quick “not that there's anything wrong with that” with each denial. The sitcom was mocking the insincerity of those who preach acceptance of a minority group but display revulsion when mistakenly confused as a member of that group.
Ideally, perhaps, the president would follow Chaplain’s lead. But if he and his aides are going to make a point of responding to claims about his religion, the least they could do is give us some Jerry and George. Even a “not that there's anything wrong with that” would be an improvement.
Aaron J. Hahn Tapper is the director of the Swig Program in Jewish Studies and Social Justice at the University of San Francisco and the co-executive director of Abraham's Vision, an educational organization working with Jews, Muslims, Israelis, and Palestinians.)
Haaretz poll: Most of the public opposes an Israeli strike on Iran
Haaretz poll: Most of the public opposes an Israeli strike on Iran
Support for Netanyahu's Likud party is at all-time high, but Israelis still skeptical regarding attack on Iran's nuclear facilities without U.S. backing.
By Yossi VerterTags: IranIran nuclearBenjamin NetanyahuLikudKadima
Most Israelis believe that if the United States does not attack Iran's nuclear facilities, Israel must no try to do so alone, according to a Haaretz poll.
The Haaretz-Dialog poll, conducted under the supervision of Prof. Camil Fuchs of Tel Aviv University on Sunday and Monday during Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to Washington, also showed that the prime minister's Likud party would win big in the next election, taking between 35 and 37 seats.
Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu | |
Photo by: Moti Milrod |
Likud, the rest of the right wing and the ultra-Orthodox parties would get between 71 and 74 mandates. Under such a scenario, only Netanyahu would be able to form a government.
However, Netanyahu, who returned to Israel on Wednesday, is facing a complex political situation.
On the one hand, he and his party seem to be in top political form. On the other, 58 percent of those polled opposed an Israeli strike on Iran, without U.S. backing.
Thus it seems Netanyahu has not convinced those for whom he has been repeatedly threatening Tehran.
Even so, half the respondents said they are relying on Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak to handle the Iran issue.
Moreover, the poll also found that if elections were held today, the Kadima party under Shaul Mofaz would capture more Knesset seats than under current chief Tzipi Livni.
The centrist party would garner only 10 seats under Livni and 12 under Mofaz, according to the Haaretz-Dialog poll conducted under the supervision of Prof. Camil Fuchs of Tel Aviv University. Kadima currently has 28 Knesset seats.
These results are a bad sign for Livni, less than three weeks before the Kadima leadership primary. She has been campaigning on the claim that she is "the real Kadima" and would bring the party more votes than Mofaz.
A Mofaz-led party came out ahead both with the general public and Israelis who identified themselves as Kadima voters.
The reason given for this is that voters from the more financially secure Ashkenazi community are finding political homes in Labor and Meretz, as well as with TV personality Yair Lapid, who entered politics two months ago.
But Lapid is losing ground fast. The new poll predicts that he would win only seven to eight seats, around half his showing in a Dialog poll conducted for Channel 10 on January 9.
It's telling that Lapid is in decline even though his main rival, Kadima, is hemorrhaging. Lapid has not yet formed a political party and has been campaigning mainly on Facebook.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Using Twitter, YouTube, Facebook and Other Internet Tools, Pakistani Terrorist Group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Incites Violence against Shi'ite Muslims and Engenders Antisemitism
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Using Twitter, YouTube, Facebook and Other Internet Tools, Pakistani Terrorist Group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Incites Violence against Shi'ite Muslims and Engenders Antisemitism
By: Tufail Ahmad
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This paper examines the role of
Pakistani terrorist group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ) – the military arm of
Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP) – and how the LeJ/SSP duo is using U.S.-based
social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other Internet
tools, along with its own dedicated websites and print magazines, to incite
violence against Shi'ite Muslims, and also how it is engendering Antisemitism in
order to promote its ideological agenda.
The LeJ has figured in several recent attacks in Pakistan. On February 28,
2012, Islamic militants dressed in Pakistani military fatigues stopped a bus in
Pakistan's northern district of Kohistan, forced all the passengers off, and
examined their Pakistani government-issued Computerized National Identity Cards
(CNICs) to verify their faith by their surnames. Passengers whose names
indicated that they were Sunni Muslims were let off, while 19 Shi'ite Muslims
headed for their homes in Gilgit Baltistan and were shot dead by the militants.
The Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ), a terrorist group feared for its long-standing campaign of violence against Shi'ite Muslims, was blamed for the attack. Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malik ordered a probe, stating that the LeJ and Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) have been "involved in similar crimes [against Shi'ite Muslims] in the past." Responsibility for the attack was claimed by a militant who identified himself as a spokesman of Jundallah, a Sunni militant group which is indistinguishable from Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, both in terms of its ideological orientation against Shi'ite Muslims and in terms of the two groups' cross-pollination.
The full text of this report is available to MEMRI's Jihad and Terrorism
Threat Monitor Subscribers.
U.S. worried Hezbollah will attack New York City
U.S. worried Hezbollah will attack New York City
Iranians with ties to the Tehran government have been caught videotaping and snapping photos of New York City landmarks several times over the past decade, a top city police official testified Wednesday, as he warned the city could be the “ideal target” for Iran if tensions escalate.
The Iran-backed Hezbollah also has a presence in the New York area.
“Iran and/or Hezbollah remain deeply committed to striking against Israeli and Western targets and they are willing to deploy a variety of methods in order to do so,” he said, citing recent attacks “plausibly linked to Iran” in Georgia, India and Thailand.
Read more:
The Iran-backed Hezbollah also has a presence in the New York area.
“Iran and/or Hezbollah remain deeply committed to striking against Israeli and Western targets and they are willing to deploy a variety of methods in order to do so,” he said, citing recent attacks “plausibly linked to Iran” in Georgia, India and Thailand.
Read more:
Egypt: “Islamocracy” under Military Rule
Egypt: “Islamocracy” under Military Rule
Will Egypt’s Islamists accept the military as the country’s source of power and authority? Since the beginning of the revolution against Mubarak, the Muslim Brotherhood has avoided any direct confrontation with the military and has repeatedly sought dialog with it. Indeed, since the Brotherhood is focused on domestic policy, it should have no intrinsic problem accepting the fact that the military will decide on matters of national security and foreign policy, at least initially.
It seems that the military has managed to outmaneuver other forces in the country by creating conditions on the ground whereby everybody discreetly feels the military should play a role in safeguarding the political process, despite calls for its complete marginalization from political life. It is no coincidence that the only actual democracy Egyptians have ever experienced in five millennia was between 1946 and 1952.
The writer was formerly Deputy Head for Assessment of Israeli Military Intelligence.
(Jacques Neriah – Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs)
It seems that the military has managed to outmaneuver other forces in the country by creating conditions on the ground whereby everybody discreetly feels the military should play a role in safeguarding the political process, despite calls for its complete marginalization from political life. It is no coincidence that the only actual democracy Egyptians have ever experienced in five millennia was between 1946 and 1952.
The writer was formerly Deputy Head for Assessment of Israeli Military Intelligence.
(Jacques Neriah – Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs)
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Amiche ed amici,
a tutti coloro che seguono questo blog, per la prima volta oso scrivere personalmente, ma credo che sia d'uopo esprimere il proprio pensiero, seppure breve, fra tanti pensieri contrastanti.
Il mondo ebraico è in grande fibrillazione.
Non si tratta soltanto di normale amministrazione, ma di messaggi tesi a confermare o dissolvere le speranze di pace che tutti chiediamo.
Noi vi chiediamo semplicemente di esprimerci la vostra solidarietà in modo che quello che succede possa contribuire alla sostanza pacifica del nostro ondo.
Siamo contro la guerra all'Iran, siamo contro l'attacco israeliano come siamo contro l'attacco palestinese.
Siamo per la Pace, e vogliamo solo quello,
Ettore Lomaglio Silvestri
a tutti coloro che seguono questo blog, per la prima volta oso scrivere personalmente, ma credo che sia d'uopo esprimere il proprio pensiero, seppure breve, fra tanti pensieri contrastanti.
Il mondo ebraico è in grande fibrillazione.
Non si tratta soltanto di normale amministrazione, ma di messaggi tesi a confermare o dissolvere le speranze di pace che tutti chiediamo.
Noi vi chiediamo semplicemente di esprimerci la vostra solidarietà in modo che quello che succede possa contribuire alla sostanza pacifica del nostro ondo.
Siamo contro la guerra all'Iran, siamo contro l'attacco israeliano come siamo contro l'attacco palestinese.
Siamo per la Pace, e vogliamo solo quello,
Ettore Lomaglio Silvestri
Il vergognoso parallelo di Catherine Ashton fra Tolosa e Gaza
“Quando pensiamo a quello che è accaduto oggi a Tolosa, quando ricordiamo ciò che è accaduto in Norvegia l’anno scorso, quando apprendiamo ciò che sta accadendo in Siria, quando vediamo ciò che accade nella striscia di Gaza e in altre parti del mondo, ricordiamo ragazzi e bambini che hanno perso la vita”. Queste le parole pronunciate lunedì da Catherine Ashton, alto rappresentante per gli affari esteri e la politica di sicurezza dell'Unione Europea, in occasione di un incontro organizzato dall’Unrwa a Bruxelles sulla gioventù palestinese.
Il parallelo tracciato da Ashton fra la strage di Tolosa (un adulto e tre bambini ebrei di 3, 6 e 8 anni uccisi a sangue freddo da un assassino non ancora identificato) e le operazioni anti-terrorismo dei soldati israeliani nella striscia di Gaza ha suscitato immediate reazioni in Israele.
Definendo quelle parole totalmente “fuori luogo”, il ministro degli esteri Avigdor Lieberman, che si trova in visita in Cina, ha auspicato che Catherine Ashton le ritrattasse al più presto. “Israele è uno dei paesi più morali al mondo – ha detto Lieberman – e le Forze di Difesa israeliane, benché da decenni debbano combattere terroristi che agiscono deliberatamente nel mezzo delle aree più popolate, fanno ogni sforzo possibile per ridurre al minimo i danni ai civili, anche quando questi difendono i terroristi. Nessun esercito al mondo si comporta in modo etico quanto le forze israeliane; sovente i soldati israeliani mettono in pericolo la loro stessa vita pur di minimizzare i rischi per la popolazione civile. I bambini della cui sicurezza dovrebbe preoccuparsi Catherine Ashton sono quelli che vivono nel sud di Israele, sotto la costante minaccia dei razzi lanciati da Gaza”.
Gli ha fatto eco la leader dell’opposizione israeliana Tzipi Livni (Kadima), che ha definito le parole di Catherine Ashton “sbagliate, deplorevoli e vergognose”. “Giusta la richiesta che le ritratti – ha aggiunto Tzipi Livni – Un crimine motivato da odio razziale o un dittatore che massacra il proprio popolo non possono essere paragonati a un paese che combatte contro il terrorismo, anche se talvolta in questa lotta restano involontariamente coinvolti dei civili. La dichiarazione di Catherine Ashton rispecchia l’idea errata che prevale da tante parti circa lo stato di Israele, e l’incapacità delle attuali leadership di operare i giusti distinguo morali”.
Anche il ministro della difesa Ehud Barak ha condannato con forza la dichiarazione di Catherine Ashton. “Il paragone tra gli eventi a Gaza, a Tolosa e in Siria è scandaloso e scollegato dalla realtà – ha detto Barak – Le Forze di Difesa israeliane operano a Gaza con la massima attenzione per evitare il più possibile danni a innocenti. Mi auguro che il rappresentante degli affari esteri dell’Unione Europea si renda conto rapidamente del suo errore e ritratti la sua dichiarazione”.
“Trucidare una bambina di otto anni e spararle di nuovo per assicurarsi che sia proprio morta è barbarie disumana”, ha dichiarato il primo ministro Benjamin Netanyahu, che ha poi aggiunto: “Mi ha particolarmente sconvolto il paragone che è stato fatto fra una strage intenzionale di bambini e le azioni difensive delle Forze di Difesa israeliane che hanno il solo scopo di colpire con la massima precisione possibile dei terroristi che non esitano a farsi scudo coi bambini”.
Secondo la parlamentare Einat Wilf (Atzmaut), intervenuta sul tema alla Knesset, “è importante chiarire che chiunque dica cose del genere non è degno di rappresentare l’Unione Europea”.
Solo il giorno successivo alla strage, e solo dopo che si era levata questa ondata di critiche, un portavoce di Catherine Ashton ha diffuso un comunicato nel quale si “condanna con forza le uccisioni alla scuola Ozar HaTorah di Tolosa”, sostenendo che “le parole pronunciate lunedì dall’alto Rappresentante europeo all’evento organizzato dall’Unrwa sono state gravemente distorte da una delle agenzie stampa” e che Catherine Ashton intendeva solo “fare riferimento a tragedie che comportano la morte di bambini in varie parti del mondo senza fare nessun parallelo fra le circostanze dell’attacco a Tolosa e la situazione a Gaza”.
(Da: Ha’aretz, YnetNews, 20.3.12)
Nella foto in alto: Catherine Ashton, alto rappresentante per gli affari esteri e la politica di sicurezza dell'Unione Europea
“Quando pensiamo a quello che è accaduto oggi a Tolosa, quando ricordiamo ciò che è accaduto in Norvegia l’anno scorso, quando apprendiamo ciò che sta accadendo in Siria, quando vediamo ciò che accade nella striscia di Gaza e in altre parti del mondo, ricordiamo ragazzi e bambini che hanno perso la vita”. Queste le parole pronunciate lunedì da Catherine Ashton, alto rappresentante per gli affari esteri e la politica di sicurezza dell'Unione Europea, in occasione di un incontro organizzato dall’Unrwa a Bruxelles sulla gioventù palestinese.
Il parallelo tracciato da Ashton fra la strage di Tolosa (un adulto e tre bambini ebrei di 3, 6 e 8 anni uccisi a sangue freddo da un assassino non ancora identificato) e le operazioni anti-terrorismo dei soldati israeliani nella striscia di Gaza ha suscitato immediate reazioni in Israele.
Definendo quelle parole totalmente “fuori luogo”, il ministro degli esteri Avigdor Lieberman, che si trova in visita in Cina, ha auspicato che Catherine Ashton le ritrattasse al più presto. “Israele è uno dei paesi più morali al mondo – ha detto Lieberman – e le Forze di Difesa israeliane, benché da decenni debbano combattere terroristi che agiscono deliberatamente nel mezzo delle aree più popolate, fanno ogni sforzo possibile per ridurre al minimo i danni ai civili, anche quando questi difendono i terroristi. Nessun esercito al mondo si comporta in modo etico quanto le forze israeliane; sovente i soldati israeliani mettono in pericolo la loro stessa vita pur di minimizzare i rischi per la popolazione civile. I bambini della cui sicurezza dovrebbe preoccuparsi Catherine Ashton sono quelli che vivono nel sud di Israele, sotto la costante minaccia dei razzi lanciati da Gaza”.
Gli ha fatto eco la leader dell’opposizione israeliana Tzipi Livni (Kadima), che ha definito le parole di Catherine Ashton “sbagliate, deplorevoli e vergognose”. “Giusta la richiesta che le ritratti – ha aggiunto Tzipi Livni – Un crimine motivato da odio razziale o un dittatore che massacra il proprio popolo non possono essere paragonati a un paese che combatte contro il terrorismo, anche se talvolta in questa lotta restano involontariamente coinvolti dei civili. La dichiarazione di Catherine Ashton rispecchia l’idea errata che prevale da tante parti circa lo stato di Israele, e l’incapacità delle attuali leadership di operare i giusti distinguo morali”.
Anche il ministro della difesa Ehud Barak ha condannato con forza la dichiarazione di Catherine Ashton. “Il paragone tra gli eventi a Gaza, a Tolosa e in Siria è scandaloso e scollegato dalla realtà – ha detto Barak – Le Forze di Difesa israeliane operano a Gaza con la massima attenzione per evitare il più possibile danni a innocenti. Mi auguro che il rappresentante degli affari esteri dell’Unione Europea si renda conto rapidamente del suo errore e ritratti la sua dichiarazione”.
“Trucidare una bambina di otto anni e spararle di nuovo per assicurarsi che sia proprio morta è barbarie disumana”, ha dichiarato il primo ministro Benjamin Netanyahu, che ha poi aggiunto: “Mi ha particolarmente sconvolto il paragone che è stato fatto fra una strage intenzionale di bambini e le azioni difensive delle Forze di Difesa israeliane che hanno il solo scopo di colpire con la massima precisione possibile dei terroristi che non esitano a farsi scudo coi bambini”.
Secondo la parlamentare Einat Wilf (Atzmaut), intervenuta sul tema alla Knesset, “è importante chiarire che chiunque dica cose del genere non è degno di rappresentare l’Unione Europea”.
Solo il giorno successivo alla strage, e solo dopo che si era levata questa ondata di critiche, un portavoce di Catherine Ashton ha diffuso un comunicato nel quale si “condanna con forza le uccisioni alla scuola Ozar HaTorah di Tolosa”, sostenendo che “le parole pronunciate lunedì dall’alto Rappresentante europeo all’evento organizzato dall’Unrwa sono state gravemente distorte da una delle agenzie stampa” e che Catherine Ashton intendeva solo “fare riferimento a tragedie che comportano la morte di bambini in varie parti del mondo senza fare nessun parallelo fra le circostanze dell’attacco a Tolosa e la situazione a Gaza”.
(Da: Ha’aretz, YnetNews, 20.3.12)
Nella foto in alto: Catherine Ashton, alto rappresentante per gli affari esteri e la politica di sicurezza dell'Unione Europea
All the Humanity and the United Nation in particular: To declare the Negationism a Crime against Humanity
Ladies and gentlemen, today, after sixty-five million trips in the death camp at Auschwitz, there are shady characters and obscure that they deny that there were extermination and hatred against people of Jewish religion. And this causes reactions of people who kill Jews because the Jews in a country that has known the Nazi hatred on their skin.
We ask that Denial is declared CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY 'and anyone who denies the Holocaust and condemned, not to death to avoid confusion, but to try what the Jews have tried
Thank you,
Hector Lomaglio Silvestri
גבירותי ורבותי, היום, לאחר שישים וחמישה מיליון נסיעות במחנה ההשמדה באושוויץ, ישנם טיפוסים מפוקפקים ומעורפל שהם מכחישים שיש השמדה ושנאה כלפי בני הדת היהודית. וזה גורם לתגובות של אנשים שהורגים יהודים, כי היהודים במדינה שידעה את השנאה הנאצית על העור שלהם.
אנו מבקשים מניעת מוכרז פשע נגד האנושות ", ומי שמכחיש את השואה, גינה, לא עד מוות כדי למנוע בלבול, אלא לנסות את מה שהיהודים ניסו
הקטור Lomaglio סילבסטרי
We ask that Denial is declared CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY 'and anyone who denies the Holocaust and condemned, not to death to avoid confusion, but to try what the Jews have tried
Thank you,
Hector Lomaglio Silvestri
גבירותי ורבותי, היום, לאחר שישים וחמישה מיליון נסיעות במחנה ההשמדה באושוויץ, ישנם טיפוסים מפוקפקים ומעורפל שהם מכחישים שיש השמדה ושנאה כלפי בני הדת היהודית. וזה גורם לתגובות של אנשים שהורגים יהודים, כי היהודים במדינה שידעה את השנאה הנאצית על העור שלהם.
אנו מבקשים מניעת מוכרז פשע נגד האנושות ", ומי שמכחיש את השואה, גינה, לא עד מוות כדי למנוע בלבול, אלא לנסות את מה שהיהודים ניסו
הקטור Lomaglio סילבסטרי
Exclusive by Elie Wiesel: The Tragedy in Toulouse
Exclusive by Elie Wiesel: The Tragedy in Toulouse
Will the hatred of the Jews ever finally vanish? Will Jewish children always be in danger?
This time, a murderer slew four Jews: a teacher and three young children.
When a blood-thirsty Jew-hater wants to kill Jews, he goes first to the Jewish schools. Jewish children are his primary target.
It’s always been this way. This is what Pharaoh, King of Egypt did, what Hitler did. And this is what happened now.
This is the background to the tragedy that occurred in the French city, Toulouse.
I have visited that city many times. The Jewish community there is old and well-established – it dates back to the Middle Ages – but it is dynamic.
In the streets, you can see Jews wearing yarmulkas. Nobody thinks of anti-Semitism. Spiritually, it is one of richest Jewish communities in France.
Obviously, the terrible murderous attack evoked tears and rage among both Jews and non-Jews. The President, his ministers, and other political figures in France, as well as all the newspapers, have demanded that the murderer be found and punished.
It often happens like this. Jewish blood is spilled and, temporarily, sympathy for Jews grows; the world warms to them.
But the pain does not go away, nor does the anger. We think about the martyrs: Rabbi Yochanan Sandler, his sons Aryeh and Gavriel, and Miriam Monsonego. We say, as is Jewish tradition: “May G-d avenge their blood.” That will be the response from Above.
Our own answer must be concrete and to the point. When we are persecuted, our response must be: We will remain Jewish – and do everything to become more Jewish
March 20, 2012 1:40 pm
8 year old victim Miriam Monsonego. Photo: Facebook.
This time, a murderer slew four Jews: a teacher and three young children.
When a blood-thirsty Jew-hater wants to kill Jews, he goes first to the Jewish schools. Jewish children are his primary target.
It’s always been this way. This is what Pharaoh, King of Egypt did, what Hitler did. And this is what happened now.
This is the background to the tragedy that occurred in the French city, Toulouse.
I have visited that city many times. The Jewish community there is old and well-established – it dates back to the Middle Ages – but it is dynamic.
In the streets, you can see Jews wearing yarmulkas. Nobody thinks of anti-Semitism. Spiritually, it is one of richest Jewish communities in France.
Obviously, the terrible murderous attack evoked tears and rage among both Jews and non-Jews. The President, his ministers, and other political figures in France, as well as all the newspapers, have demanded that the murderer be found and punished.
It often happens like this. Jewish blood is spilled and, temporarily, sympathy for Jews grows; the world warms to them.
But the pain does not go away, nor does the anger. We think about the martyrs: Rabbi Yochanan Sandler, his sons Aryeh and Gavriel, and Miriam Monsonego. We say, as is Jewish tradition: “May G-d avenge their blood.” That will be the response from Above.
Our own answer must be concrete and to the point. When we are persecuted, our response must be: We will remain Jewish – and do everything to become more Jewish
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