Sunday, March 11, 2012

Correct behavior during rocket and mortar attacks

Correct behavior during rocket and mortar attacks

Correct behavior in the face of daily threats saves lives!

Table of contents
How to recognize an event?
When you hear an alert siren, a sound of an explosion or a “Tzeva Adom” warning.

How to prepare your home and family.
Due to the short warning time, it is important to establish in advance where you are going to take shelter during a rocket attack. As the first priority, choose a MAMAD (apartment protected space) or a private bomb shelter. If no MAMAD or private shelter are available, choose a protected room which complies with the Home Front Command guidelines. Make sure all members of the household are familiar with your chosen protected space. It is important to select a protected space at any location you spend time in, to perform family preparations and to prepare an emergency bag. The protected space must be equipped according to the guidelines.

The threat
The main threat against the Israeli home front is from rocket and mortar attacks.
On the eve of the Gulf War, many countries discovered that the war has expanded from the front lines to the civilian rear.
The IDF Home Front Command have developed guidelines for the residents’ behavior upon hearing the sound of an alarm or an explosion. Compliance with these instructions will significantly reduce any damage that may be caused by a rocket or mortar attack against the Israeli home front.

How to behave during an event?
If you are indoors:
Enter the MAMAD immediately and close the steel window shutter.
In the absence of a MAMAD:
  1. Enter the room farthest from the direction of the threat, with the smallest possible number of outside walls, windows and openings;
  2. Close the door and the windows;
  3. Sit on the floor (below the windowsill level) and lean against an interior wall. Do not sit in front of windows;
  4. Upper story residents in a building with no MAMAD, are required to exit to the staircase and descend one floor down. A protected room can be a staircase or a corridor (provided they comply with the above conditions more than other rooms in the house).

If you are outdoors:
  1. In a built-up area – enter the nearest building and act according to the instructions for persons taking shelter indoors;
  2. In an exposed area – lie on the ground face-down and cover your head with your hands.

If you are traveling:
Stop by the side of the road, leave the vehicle and enter the nearest structure or cover. If you are unable to reach a structure or shelter within the given period of time, lie on the ground face-down and cover your head with your hands. If neither of the above instructions can be complied with, pull over and remain inside the vehicle for the next 10 minutes.
Following the event:
After 10 minutes, you may leave the protected area, unless another otherwise instructed. Stay clear of unidentified objects. Should you see a rocket lying on the ground, prevent gathering of bystanders and inform the security forces.

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